Sunday, September 29, 2024


Former Trump Aide Says She Would ‘Absolutely’ Vote for Biden Because of J6

(Headline USA) Former Trump aide Cassidy Hutchinson, the "star witness" who testified against the former president on his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, said this week that she would “absolutely consider” voting for President Joe Biden in November’s election. During an interview with CNN, Hutchinson confirmed she has...

Ukrainian Special Interest Group Seeks to Weaponize FCC against Musk

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In September 2022, Elon Musk may have prevented a World War 3 when he instructed SpaceX employees to disable his Starlink internet service to prevent a Ukrainian attack on the Russian naval fleet in Crimea. Now, a Ukrainian special interest group seeks to have the Federal...

IRS May Use AI Technology to Target MAGA Groups

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The Internal Revenue Service announced that it will begin using artificial intelligence technology in order to police U.S. citizens, raising concerns about weaponization of the software against conservatives, the Epoch Times reported. “Right now, I believe that there are AI solutions that we have not yet leveraged...

Biden May Leave Troops in Niger, Risking Another Benghazi

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Will the Biden administration risk the lives of U.S. troops to avoid embarrassment? A top Defense Department official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that there has been no final decision on whether the U.S. will leave Niger and Chad—two African countries that have made it clear...

POLL: Most Americans, Including Democrats, Support Mass Deportations

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Mainstream media used to compare Donald Trump to Hitler for his strong anti-illegal immigration stance. But now, mass deportations look to be a centrist position. At least that’s what a new poll from Axios suggests. “Half of Americans—including 42% of Democrats—say they'd support mass deportations of undocumented immigrants,” Axios...

Left-Wing J6 Capitol Stormer Going Crazy from Solitary Confinement

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Last November, left-wing activist John Sullivan was convicted for participating in the Jan. 6, 2021, Captiol Hill uprising—an event to which Sullivan brought a knife and encouraged protestors to act violently. He’s set to be sentenced Friday. Since his conviction, Sullivan—the man who filmed the shooting...

Fake Ariz. AG Charges Giuliani, Meadows and 16 Others in Lawfare Case over ‘Fake Electors’

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Arizona's corrupt leftist attorney general, who won her own election by a 280-vote margin following irregularities in Maricopa County and elsewhere, added insult to injury once more with a targeted lawfare attack on seven top Trump allies, Just the News reported. The investigation by state Attorney...

Calif. Mayor’s Security Beaten Mid-Interview: ‘Do You Wanna Get Smacked?’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) All attention turned to a Democratic mayor from California after one of his armed bodyguards was brutally beaten by a bystander during a live interview with a news outlet.  San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, a Democrat, was downtown for the opening of a restaurant when he was...

Parents React to Hamas Video of American Hostage w/ Missing Arm

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The Gaza-based Hamas terror group has released a propaganda video featuring a young Israeli American citizen whose brutal kidnapping sent chills down American spines.  The hostage seen in the video is 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who was brutally abducted by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 from the Supernova...

Conspiracy Confirmed: Top NeverTrumpers Host Regular Call to Coordinate Strategies

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Prominent opponents of former President Donald Trump host regular Friday group Zoom calls to discuss and coordinate their NeverTrump strategies, Politico reported. The report suggested that many of the nation's top legal experts and political commentators routinely host a teleconference, which they refer to as a...

Biden Delivers Gaffe-Laden Speech as He Reads Out ‘Pause’ Instructions

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) President Joe Biden once again found himself inadvertently reading out the customary instructions seen on teleprompters or speech outlines during addresses or similar events.  This incident occurred during Biden's speech to members of the North America’s Building Trades Union on Wednesday, where he included a "pause" directive...

Chris Christie Says He Fears Trump ‘Vendetta’ If Former President Returns to White House

(Headline USA) After taking a calculated risk in crossing former President Donald Trump to gain the favor of leftist media outlets while attempting to rebrand himself as a Republican alternative, ex-New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie now claims to fear reprisal if Trump is reelected in November. Christie was one of...
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