Sunday, September 22, 2024


Teachers Union Gets Taste of Its Own Medicine as Staff Strike Forces Conference Cancelation

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The nation's largest teachers union faced a strike of its own, in what was called an unprecedented event, according to Education Week. The strike disrupted National Education Association's annual conference in Philadelphia, and led President Joe Biden to cancel his planned appearance on Sunday in awkward solidarity with...

‘Taxpayer-Funded Child Slavery’: HHS Whistleblowers Expose Migrant Trafficking Scandal

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Congress heard whistleblower testimony Tuesday about what could be the Biden administration’s biggest scandal to date: What was described as “taxpayer-funded child slavery” being conducted with the government’s full knowledge and tacit consent. The whistleblowers who testified Tuesday were Florida Department of Children and Families Sec....

EXCLUSIVE: Freedom Caucus Chair Responds to Anonymous ‘A**hole’ Allegations

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Rep. Bob Good, R-Va., brushed off the anonymous allegations from Capitol Hill insiders that his recent primary defeat by a razor-thin margin was the result of an abrasive personal demeanor. In a statement to Headline USA through his communications director, Marjorie Jackson, Good said the halls of...

Treasonous VA Officials Say They Won’t Comply w/ Bill to Protect Veterans’ 2A Rights

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Congress is mulling legislation that would limit bureaucrats from using "red flag laws" to confiscate veterans’ guns, along with bolstering the rights of 261,168 veterans disarmed by such laws. Specifically, legislation discussed Wednesday in the House Veterans Affairs Committee would require the Department of Veterans Affairs...

Advertising Cartel Targeted Joe Rogan over Views on COVID-19 Jab, Congressional Probe Finds

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The House Judiciary Committee released a report Wednesday, which found that an advertising cartel known as the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, or GARM, targeted popular podcaster Joe Rogan over his views on the COVID-19 vaccine. Created by the World Federation of Advertisers—which represents roughly 90%...

SCOOP: AG Barr Blocked Investigation into FBI Coverup of LaVoy Finicum’s Death

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Nearly nine years after the fact, the Justice Department’s Inspector General has released a damning report on the death of Robert LaVoy Finicum, who was killed by law enforcement in January 2016 during an armed protest at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. As has been widely...

LinkedIn, Google Openly Censor Conservatives (Again) after SCOTUS’s Murthy Decision

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Tech companies are once again colluding with Democrats to push disinformation and censor legitimate conservative opinions, this time with the imprimatur of legitimacy conferred by the U.S. Supreme Court that allows them to do so more shamelessly and aggressively than ever. Today's censorship is being made...

Anti-Gun Sotomayor’s Bodyguards Shoot Alleged Carjacker

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) An 18-year-old man was shot by U.S. marshals protecting the D.C. home of Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an incident that starkly contrasts with the justice's notorious anti-gun takes.  The Metropolitan Police Department announced the shooting occurred around 1:15 a.m. on Friday when Kentrell Flowers, a D.C. man,...

‘China’s Negligence’ on COVID-19 Resulted in $18T in Damage to U.S. Economy

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The COVID-19 hysteria and pandemic-related policies led to damages of $18 trillion in the American economy -- the result of China creating the virus inside of its country. The news came a few years after tyrannical lockdown policies and other measures damaged small businesses all...

Left-Wing Propagandist Michael Moore Decries Biden Family’s ‘Elder Abuse’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Propagandist filmmaker Michael Moore has accused the Biden family and the Democratic Party of "elder abuse" by making the faltering President Joe Biden run for re-election while clearly unfit to lead the nation, Mediaite reported. Moore, in what appears to be an attempt to help the...

Biden Says He Will Veto Bill Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Vote

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden announced this week that he will veto a bill that requires voters to provide proof of citizenship. The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act would amend the National Voter Registration Act of 1993 to mandate that voters provide---and state officials verify---proof of citizenship when registering. The bill...

10% of Illegals Are Registered to Vote, Survey Says

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was revealed in a survey conducted by the Heritage Foundation's Oversight Project that 10% of illegal aliens and non-citizens who were asked by the group stated that they were registered to vote in the 2024 election. "My fellow Americans, today we are calling on...
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