Saturday, October 5, 2024

Trump Promises to Deport Springfield Haitians from Country

'You have to remove the people, and you have to bring them back to their own country...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump recently said that he would deport Haitian immigrants from the United States who made the small town of Springfield, Ohio, infamous after it was revealed that they are eating pets and wild animals.

“It has nothing to do with Haiti or anything else. You have to remove the people, and you have to bring them back to their own country,” Trump told News Nation. “Springfield is such a beautiful place. Have you seen what’s happened to it? It’s been overrun. You can’t do that to people. I’d revoke [the protected status], and I’d bring [the immigrants] back to their country.”

Trump’s comments came after the immigrants from Haiti made the town infamous by eating pets of Americans who were living there, as Headline USA previously reported, citing multiple Springfield residents and journalists who captured Haitians eating or carrying dead animals.

“They’re in the park grabbing up ducks by their neck and cutting their head off and walking off with them and eating them,” one person said. “Who is getting paid? Like, how much money is y’all really getting paid? Like, to bring them over here, like I know it’s deeper than them.”

After the disturbing news was revealed, the Haitian president denied that people from his country were eating pets. However, Headline USA also wrote that not only are Haitians eating dogs and cats, but they are also eating cat food.

“If the food is intended for cats, and you’re not a cat, it’s obvious that you shouldn’t eat it,” Haitian Health Minister Dr. Lauré Adrien told Haitians. “No matter how good or beneficial cat food may seem for you, I’m sure you’re sensible enough not to eat cat food.” 

After Haitians moved into the town, they also started committing crimes, which resulted in crimes skyrocketing and innocent people, including children, dying.

As a result, Gov. Mike DeWine, R–Ohio, sent the Ohio State Highway Patrol and $2.5 million to the community to solve this problem. However, it was previously reported that DeWine welcomed immigrants from Haiti, which resulted in people from Ohio asking a former Republican presidential candidate, Vivek Ramaswamy, to consider running for governor in the state.

“I’m gonna make some decisions shortly after the election,” Ramaswamy said. “But [what] I will say is, we see some of the events, when I visited Springfield, people in the state pleading with me to do it—I have to take that pretty seriously.”

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