Monday, June 17, 2024

Hillary Clinton Shocks with Endorsement Against This Embattled ‘Squad’ Member

'When Hillary says something, people listen...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made a surprising endorsement against a member of the radical leftist “Squad” in the House of Representatives. 

On Wednesday, Clinton endorsed Westchester County Executive George Latimer, who is challenging Rep. Jamaal Bowman, D-N.Y., in the upcoming primary. 

“With Trump on the ballot, we need strong, principled Democrats in Congress more than ever,” Clinton wrote on Twitter. “In Congress, @LatimerforNY will protect abortion rights, stand up to the NRA, and fight for President Biden’s agenda—just like he’s always done.” 

She concluded, “Make a plan to vote by June 25th!” 

Bowman, a two-term congressman, is facing a shaky re-election campaign amid growing scandals, including a misdemeanor charge for pulling a fire alarm in Congress and accusations of anti-Semitism. 

As reported by the New York Post, New York State Democratic Party Chair Jay Jacobs emphasized the impact of Clinton’s endorsement.

“When Hillary says something, people listen,” Jacobs said. “She is extraordinarily popular in the Democratic Party. She’s well regarded and trusted.” 

In response to the endorsement, Bowman stated, “I’m proud to be the only candidate in this race endorsed by Planned Parenthood, House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Senator Bernie Sanders, Senator Elizabeth Warren, and 1199 SEIU, and the only candidate who rejects right-wing special interest groups like AIPAC.” 

Bowman has been criticized for his anti-Israel rhetoric, being one of the first to call for a ceasefire after Hamas invaded southern Israel on Oct. 7. 

That same day Hamas carried out one of the most brutal terrorist attacks against the Jewish people. 

Bowman has also refused to accept evidence that Hamas raped women in Israel on Oct. 7. 

In contrast, Latimer has been a vocal supporter of Israel and has received an endorsement from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

On Wednesday, Bowman criticized AIPAC, stating, “Big money doesn’t belong in politics and it doesn’t belong in our communities. It’s time we #RejectAIPAC. #NY1Debate.” 


On Oct. 26, 2023, Bowman faced a misdemeanor charge for pulling a false fire alarm in a reckless attempt to block Congress from passing a government funding bill.

He pleaded guilty in a sweetheart deal with Washington, D.C. Attorney General Brian Schwalb, who agreed to drop the charges. 

The House of Representatives has since censured Bowman for the fire alarm incident. 

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