Monday, June 24, 2024


Kamala Wants Biden to Be More ‘Sympathetic’ to Palestinians, Left Wing

(Headline USA) Vice President Kamala Harris was reportedly pushing President Joe Biden to be “more sympathetic” toward Palestinians and the leftists who support them over Israel. Harris has been telling colleagues in the Biden administration that she wants the White House to do more for the Palestinian cause, according to Politico,...

Ex-Speaker McCarthy Issues Parting Advice in Final House Speech

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., delivered what is likely his final speech on the House floor, imparting one last piece of advice to Republicans before his formal resignation following his ousting as House speaker earlier this year.  McCarthy implored Republicans to prioritize the country's welfare over...

House Republicans Seek to Defund Harvard over Civil Rights Breach

(Eli Pacheco, Headline USA) House Republicans, led by Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., are calling for the federal government to end payments and tax breaks to Harvard University because of its failure to curb anti-Semitism on campus, according to the New York Post. “We must defund the rot in America’s higher education,”...

Swalwell Faces Possible Ethics Charge for Organizing Hunter Biden Stunt

(Headline USA) Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., could face an ethics investigation for “aiding and abetting” Hunter Biden after the first son defied a congressional subpoena on Wednesday. According to congressional records, Swalwell reserved the space outside the U.S. Capitol for Hunter Biden’s surprise press briefing, which Biden held instead of appearing...

US Regulators Mandate Car Surveillance to ‘Detect Drunk Drivers’

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) On Dec. 12, 2023, auto safety regulators announced their desire to watch over the population of the United States by requiring car manufacturers to install surveillance technology in new cars, pretending that it is to detect drunk or impaired driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration...

NAACP Leader Caught Calling Illegals ‘Savages’ and Rapists, Claims It Was AI

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Activists have called for the resignation of Teresa Haley, president of the Illinois State Conference NAACP, after she made anti-immigration remarks during a recent conference call, the Chicago Tribune reported. Haley, a former NAACP Activist of the Year, made the comments in a virtual call with other...

Columbia Student Trashes Hillary Clinton’s Disappointing Class

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A liberal student at Columbia University penned a Huffington Post op-ed recently complaining that her idealist dreams had been dashed after taking a foreign policy course taught by Hillary Clinton this semester. Columbia student Cate Twining--Ward wrote that, true to Clinton form, the course was short on...

Rep. Higgins Gives More Details about Alleged FBI ‘Ghost Buses’ at Capitol on Jan. 6

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) It was a bold claim made by Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La., last month at a congressional hearing: Two busloads of FBI informants were sent to Washington DC to foment violence at the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol Hill protest-turned-riot. Days later, Higgins doubled down on his claim, telling Newsmax there were...

U.S. Congressman Asks Federal Reserve Whether Nations Are Repatriating Gold from New York

(Money Metals Exchange) As central banks across the globe continue to scoop up gold bullion for their reserves at record rates, Rep. Alex Mooney, R-W.Va., is asking Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell some pressing questions about gold. Gold currently trades at all-time highs in most currencies. Market insiders claim that...

Appeals Court Upholds Firing of FBI Agent Who Suppressed USA Gymnastics Sex Abuse Scandal

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) A federal appeals court has upheld the firing of former FBI agent Michael Langeman, who was found to have mishandled the investigation into sex abuse allegations against USA Gymnastics doctor Larry Nassar. Langeman had sued the FBI in late 2021, after Deputy Director Paul Abbate fired...

DOJ to Charge Another Jan. 6 Journalist for Documenting Events on Capitol Hill

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Blaze Media journalist Steve Baker announced Thursday that he’s expecting to be charged for entering the Capitol to document events during the Jan. 6, 2021, protest-turned-riot. “I have to self-surrender on Tuesday. Charges are yet unknown,” he said. “Stay tuned for more information to follow this...

DOJ Prosecutors File 124-Page Brief to Keep Whitmer Kidnap Inmates Imprisoned

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In August, the alleged “ringleaders” of the 2020 militia conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer filed appeals to overturn their convictions due to FBI malfeasance and a lack of a fair trial. In their appeals, Adam Fox and Barry Croft pointed out in their appeals that their lawyers said they were improperly...
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