Saturday, September 28, 2024


Biden Condemns ‘Violent’ Student Protests but Refuses to Send National Guard

(Headline USA) During his first public remarks regarding the anti-Israel student protests on college campuses across the country, President Joe Biden on Thursday called for order but said he would not send in the National Guard, CBS News reported "We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash...

NYC Mayor Demands Columbia Univ. Help Cover Cost of NYPD Raid

(Headline USA) New York City Mayor Eric Adams called on Columbia University to pay up and help cover the cost of the New York Police Department’s efforts to shut down illegal student encampments this week. Radical student protesters were finally removed from Columbia’s campus on Tuesday night after they took over...

Biden Slams U.S. Allies Japan, India as ‘Xenophobic’

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden this week accused the tiny island nation of Japan of being “xenophobic” for not accepting more immigrants. The 81-year-old made the comment about the key U.S. ally at a fundraiser in Washington, D.C. on Wednesday while defending his immigration policies, NBC News reported. "You know, one...

The Militia Used as an FBI Front Group in 2020 is Again Proliferating on Facebook

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The tech publication Wired reported Thursday that the Three Percenter, or III%er, militia is again proliferating on Facebook ahead of the 2024 presidential election. The Three Percenters are a national network of militias, the name being a reference to the fact that only about 3% of...

House Votes to Deem Christian Beliefs and Criticism of Israel as ‘Anti-Semitic’

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The House passed legislation Wednesday that criminalizes Christian beliefs, and conflates criticism of the Israeli government with anti-Semitism—the latest response from lawmakers to a nationwide student protest movement over the Israel-Hamas war. The proposal, which passed 320-91 with some bipartisan support, would codify the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s definition of...

Appeals Court Hammers Prosecution about FBI Conduct in Whitmer Kidnap Plot

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The much-anticipated appeal hearing was held Thursday for Barry Croft and Adam Fox, the alleged “ringleaders” of the 2020 militia conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Croft and Fox were convicted of plotting to kidnap Whitmer after their second trial in late 2022. At their first trial...

Small Towns Buying Once-Classified Military Surveillance Equipment

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) In the post-9/11 terror wars, the U.S. military used classified surveillance equipment to track people through their cell phones and license plates. Now, such equipment is being purchases by small towns throughout the U.S. According to the political outlet NOTUS, at least two Texas towns along...

Biden Absorbs $6.1B in Loan Debt from Deadbeat Art-School Students

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) President Joe Biden’s wave of a magic wand has made billions of dollars in college debt disappear for students who attended a now-defunct university.  On Wednesday, Biden announced the “cancellation” of $6.1 billion in student loans for 317,000 students who had enrolled at the Art Institutes.  “This institution...

WATCH: UNC Frat Brothers Restore American Flag Defaced by Anti-Israel Mob

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A fraternity at the University of North Carolina has garnered viral recognition for their courageous stand against anti-Israeli hecklers who defaced and lowered an American flag.  In a video that has since gone viral, members of Pi Kappa Phi were captured collectively raising the American flag in the...

Fired Pro-Hamas Google Employees File Complaint Against Company

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Former far-left Google employees filed a federal labor complaint against the Big Tech company on Apr. 29, 2024, saying they were illegally fired for protesting Google's partnership with the Israeli government and asking for better working conditions. The complaint that was filed with the National Labor...

Far-Left State Gives Away 39,000 Acres of American Land to American Indians

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Gov. Gavin Newsom's, D-Calif., office announced on Apr. 26, 2024, that the state would give away about 39,000 acres to American Indian tribes through a grant program. Newsom added that the effort is part of a first-in-the-nation plan to “address historical wrongs committed against California Native...

Notorious DOJ Official Hid Her Own Criminal Past During Senate Hearing

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) An embattled DOJ official is under scrutiny for failing to disclose her previous run-ins with the law during her confirmation hearings.  Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke omitted her arrest in a domestic violence incident involving her then-husband to the Senate.  Clarke, nominated by President Joe Biden in 2021...
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