Monday, September 30, 2024

Trump Allies Push Back Against Chinese Takeover of U.S. Land

'Beijing does not have the best interests of Americans in mind as it secretly works to leverage our food supply, economy, education and businesses...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) On Sept. 30, 2024, two Donald Trump-supporting Republicans revealed a policy that would help Americans battle the Chinese Communist Party inside the United States itself.

The Daily Caller exclusively reported that in August of this year, Richard Grennel, the former acting director of National Intelligence in the Trump administration, and former Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., launched the “Protecting America Initiative,” an organization that was founded to ensure that the CCP would not have any influence inside the U.S., such as buying farmland and pushing propaganda inside American colleges and universities.

“Beijing does not have the best interests of Americans in mind as it secretly works to leverage our food supply, economy, education and businesses. China’s pervasive influence and malignant intentions cannot be ignored. If Joe Biden and Kamala Harris will not stand up for Americans and our country, states must take immediate action,” Grenell informed the news source.

He continued that the United States needs “strong [and] precise policies to counter the CCP’s aims in this country.”

The politicians explained what Americans needed to do to solve the communist infiltration, sharing a solution to the CCP buying American farmland with the Caller.

The recent news came after reports, including from Headline USA, highlighted the infiltration of Chinese communists in this country.

The most explicit example of this kind of infiltration was when conservative journalists started researching Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn. after Harris chose him as her running mate and found out that he was a communist.

It was discovered that Walz had previously brainwashed high school students with communist propaganda and visited China, where people there were constantly presenting him with different gifts, which resulted in people questioning whether he was a communist spy because unknown teachers from Nebraska didn’t receive this kind of attention as regular tourists. He also promoted research facilities connected to the Chinese military.

All of this evidence resulted even in Democrats admitting that Walz is a Manchurian candidate. The U.S. House Republicans investigated Walz’s alleged ties to the CCP. However, the FBI decided to ignore the House Oversight Committee by not handing over documents and communications related to Walz and his partnerships with communists.

Aside from Walz, the CCP concentrated on New York by inserting its spies into the state’s local government to subvert the United States from within.

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