Saturday, June 22, 2024


NYTimes Calls Out Dem. Hypocrisy for Meddling while Claiming to ‘Defend Democracy’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) The New York Times published a piece calling out the Democrat party for meddling in the Republican Senate primary race in Ohio. A Democratic group in the state paid for an ad emphasizing the conservative credentials of candidate Bernie Moreno, who received an endorsement from former President...

DeSantis Threatens to Send Illegal Haitians to Martha’s Vineyard

(Headline USA) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said this week that he’ll start sending illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard again if illegals fleeing Haiti start arriving in his state. DeSantis said Florida law enforcement was prepared for an influx of Haitian refugees following the gang take-over of the Caribbean island this month....

Parent Company to Cut Ties w/ Woke Boycott-Magnet Ben & Jerry’s

(Headline USA) Ben & Jerry’s parent company announced this week it was ditching the brand, along with several others, following years of controversy tied to Ben & Jerry’s leftist views. It wasn't entirely clear, however, that Unilever, , which also includes brands like Dove soap, planned to altogether abandon its notorious...

Trump Says He ‘Couldn’t Care Less’ about Pence’s Non-Endorsement

(Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump dismissed his past running mate’s decision not to endorse him, saying on Tuesday that he “couldn’t care less” whether former Vice President Mike Pence supports him or not. Pence, who briefly ran against Trump in the 2024 GOP primary, appeared hopelessly out of touch during...

Top UN Official Has History of Anti-White Racism

(Headline USA) A United Nations official recently promoted by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres promoted anti-white racism in multiple social-media posts, according to Fox News. Ayisha Siddiqa, who was recently hand-picked by the organization’s top leader to serve as its youth climate adviser and “accelerate the implementation of climate action agenda,”...

Denver’s Public Expenditure for Feeding Incoming Illegals Skyrockets

(Shirleen Guerra, The Center Square) In December 2023, the city of Denver agreed to a $100,000 contract to feed incoming illegals with Colorado Hospitality Services. After a year, that contract was increased to $475,000 in January 2024. Then, the city had to pay another $450,000 in February 2024. Now, Denver City...

Nevada Next in Line for RNC Lawsuit over ‘Impossibly High’ Voter Rolls

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) On the heels of a similar suit in the state of Michigan, the Republican National Committee is suing the state of Nevada due to its "impossibly high" count of allegedly eligible voters on voter rolls, the Daily Wire reported. Nevada Secretary of State Cisco Aguilar received...

GOP Reps. Propose Bill to Halt Tax Dollars to Medical Schools Promoting Woke Racial Bias

(Alan Wooten, The Center Square) Educating from the podium and advocating for the inclusion of all, congressmen led by North Carolina's Dr. Greg Murphy and Ohio's Dr. Brad Wenstrup on Tuesday introduced legislation that would halt taxpayer money from going to medical schools promoting racial bias. Multiple speakers---both black and...

Leftist Reporter’s ‘Creepy Obsession’ w/ Newly Legal Barron Trump Exposed

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A self-described former senior executive at NBC Universal came under fire on Wednesday after expressing an unusual fixation on Barron Trump, the youngest son of former President Donald Trump. Even more concerning was the resurfacing of old tweets. “Barron Trump turns 18 today,” wrote Mike Sington in...

Apathetic GOP Officials Could Cost Republicans 2024 Election, Investigation Warns

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) After dealing with unprecedented online censorship, mail-in voting, sketchy ballot machines and other issues in the 2020 presidential election, are Republicans any better prepared for 2024? Attempting to bring clarity to that question, The Daily Caller published a 3,000-plus word report last week, in which the...

Chicago Tax-Hike Referendum May Fail as Red Wave Rises among Fed Up Black Residents

(Catrina Petersen, The Center Square) During Tuesday's Chicago primary, African-American voters appeared to have rejected a tax increase referendum on high-end properties in protest of the sanctuary city's spiraling immigration crisis. Their arguments against it---which sounded decidedly conservative, both in terms of fiscal policy and the Trumpian opposition to Democrat...

Supreme Court Allows Texas to Deport Illegals as Case Debated at Lower Levels

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) Texas law enforcement can begin charging illegal border crossers with a state crime after the Supreme Court issued a procedural ruling Tuesday. The ruling theoretically empowers Texas to begin deporting illegals. However, Mexico quickly responded, saying that it would not accept the return of any foreign...
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