Friday, July 5, 2024


White House Faces ‘Pay-to-Play’ Accusations Over Lavish Christmas Party Exclusions

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's White House finds itself embroiled in a media storm following allegations of exclusivity and favoritism at its extravagant Christmas party.   The omission of several critical media outlets from the guest list has sparked accusations of biased press engagement and potential attempts to silence...

LGBT Cultists Force Seattle Middle Schoolers to Send Hate Mail to Moms of Liberty

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was revealed by parental rights group Moms for Liberty on Saturday that the organization received a package in the mail that contained letters that students from a Seattle middle school made in class, claiming that Moms for Liberty was “bullying” LGBT youth. According to the...

Biden Abandons Grandkids’ Stockings After Acknowledging Hunter’s Love Child

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The White House has chosen to break from its longstanding tradition of showcasing stockings for grandchildren, sparking speculation tied to the absence of Hunter Biden’s love child, Navy Joan Roberts.  A spokesperson for the Biden family revealed that they've decided to place the stockings at Camp David,...

Trump Suggests He’ll Use Military to Crack Down on Violent Crime in Big Cities

(Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump suggested this week that he would use the military to crack down on violent crime in big cities if he is reelected in 2024, the Associated Press reported. While campaigning in Iowa, Trump argued that he wanted to use the military to quell violence in...

Videos Show Chaos at Disney w/ Nude Intruder on ‘It’s a Small World’ Ride

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A 26-year-old man was apprehended at Disneyland Park in California after causing a stir by parading unclothed around the park's iconic "It's a Small World" ride, according to the New York Post.  Viral footage circulating on Twitter depicted the man disrupting the serene atmosphere of the ride....

Jill Biden Taking a More Outsize Role in Governing as Joe’s Mental Alacrity Fails

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As President Joe Biden's already-dim mental capacity fades away, concerns have arisen that first lady Jill Biden has taken up a larger role in the leading of the United States, the Conservative Brief reported. According to the report, Jill Biden attends meetings on behalf of her...

BREAKING: DOJ Collected Name of Every Twitter Account to Like, Follow or Retweet Trump

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Justice Department attorneys have released records related to their search warrant for Donald Trump’s Twitter account, revealing that prosecutors obtained a vast trove of data about the former President’s social media activity—including info on every account to like, follow or retweet him. The heavily redacted search warrant...

Chris Christie Blames Trump For Rising Anti-Semitism

(Headline USA) Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie claimed former President Donald Trump is to blame for rising anti-Semitism and “Islamophobia” in the U.S., saying Trump has an “intolerance of everybody.” Christie made the comments during an interview with CNN’s Dana Bash, who asked him about a New York Times article on...

Disney Admits Woke Agenda Is Hurting Shareholders

(Headline USA) The Walt Disney Company admitted in a recent financial report that its woke agenda was hurting its brand and its shareholders, but refused to disavow it, according to Newsmax. The annual report filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission warned investors that Disney’s “reputation and brands” are at risk...

Surge in Transgender Kids Linked to Parental Narcissism

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Psychiatrists coined a new term to describe the recent trend of parents forcing their children to transition genders in order to win cheap political correctness points: "Transhausen by proxy." The term is unofficial, but plays on the term an officially recognized condition known as Munchhausen Syndrome...

Treasonous Officials Disobeyed Trump, and Now American Troops’ Lives are At Risk

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) American troops in Syria are in danger because treasonous officials disobeyed orders from President Donald Trump to withdraw from there on multiple occasions. Trump’s orders to withdraw from Syria came in 2018 and again in 2019, and each time officials either resigned in protest or outright...

Former White House Doctor Warns Biden Won’t Last Another Five Years In Office

(Headline USA) Rep. Ronny Jackson, R-Texas, a former White House physician, warned this week that President Joe Biden won’t make it another five years if he’s reelected in 2024. “The decline is happening quickly,” Jackson, who served as a physician under former Presidents George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump,...
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