Saturday, October 5, 2024

Number of Illegals Ready to Rush Border on May 11 Equal to Boston’s Population

'They’ve seen a 500% surge in people crossing over that gap on their way up to the United States... '

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Huge hordes of soon-to-be illegal immigrants are waiting at America’s southern border to enter on May 11, when President Joe Biden has declared that the Trump-era Title 42 will expire.

Former President Donald Trump invoked Title 42 during the Coronavirus pandemic as a means to slow the spread of the disease, allowing millions of illegal immigrants to be returned to Mexico.

Jonathan Lines of the Yuma County Board of Supervisors said that Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has told him to prepare for 700,000 immigrants to enter the country later this month, Breitbart reported.

Border Patrol shared with us their intelligence that there are approximately 700,000, as of three weeks ago, in the shelters in Mexico waiting to come into the United States,” Lines said.

“They also shared with us that at the Darian Gap which is at the Panama Canal, they’ve seen a 500% surge in people crossing over that gap on their way up to the United States.”

He also called the upcoming flooding of the borders a “mass migration event.”

Yuma County Sheriff Leon Wilmot said that he would stop illegal immigration if he could, but that he and his men would be charged with kidnapping if they tried to apprehend illegal immigrants.

“[If we could arrest], I would fill the jail in a day with the amount of individuals that we encounter trespassing,” Wilmot said.

He also noted that globalists are working in tandem with Mexican cartels to manipulate American immigration policy.

“International labor organizations and the cartels are facilitating this trade,” Lines noted. “They’re making a significant amount of money — 27 million were forced into labor over the last two years [and] 6.3 million [forced] into sexual exploitation.”

Meanwhile, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is working overtime with USAID Administrator Samantha Power to bring even more immigrants to the United States.

Partnering together, the two aim to “create economic and social opportunities and strengthen development options for the people of northern Central America and other countries in the Americas,” according to USAID spokeswoman Jessica Jennings.

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