Saturday, October 26, 2024

Deep Blue State May Vote for Trump

'Democrats are ahead of Republicans by only 22,000 ballots...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is not popular even among people who live in deep blue states. 

The Denver Post reported that Colorado’s early voting figures show a razor-thin gap between Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and Harris.

According to the official numbers by Colorado’s Secretary of State that the Post reviewed, Democrats are ahead of Republicans by only 22,000 ballots, with over 635,000 already returned.

The recent news is especially ironic considering that the state’s Supreme Court attempted to remove Trump’s name from the ballot but failed.

People in Colorado have been voting for Democrats for many years, so what changed? It seems that conservatives, Christians, Trump supporters and even independents got so tired of the Biden-Harris administration and its consequences that they became even more politically active than they used to be.

As was reported by multiple news sources throughout this election cycle, politically independent Americans especially started voting for Trump because of his policies, such as creating a better economy, closing down the southern border and ending foreign wars.

“Updated 6 a.m. line in Colorado. Big time showing for President Trump,” national correspondent for OANN Daniel Baldwin wrote.

Other people on Twitter also expressed their optimism about the 2024 election.

“Trump can win EVERY state,” @Bubblebathgirl wrote.

The increased support for Trump could be a result of the Biden-Harris policies. Colorado was one of the states that suffered from the invasion of illegal aliens caused by the current administration.

The most infamous example of illegals terrorizing the state was the gangs from Venezuela seizing the entire apartment complex in Aurora, Colo., which resulted in American citizens losing their apartments or being trapped inside the building, as validated by landlords of those apartments.

“The city nonprofits have lined up to help the migrants that have come here, but nobody is helping the Americans that are trapped in these apartment complexes,” Aurora City Councilmember Danielle Jurinsky said. 

The mayor of the town said the local government would get an emergency court order to clear apartments that the gangs have occupied.

The mass media downplayed the tragedy that happened there.

Another problem related to immigration that people in the state encountered was leftists in power declaring Colorado a sanctuary state. After experiencing skyrocketing crime in the state caused by illegals, people in Colorado declared their towns would not be accepting illegals.

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