Monday, September 30, 2024


Whoopi Goldberg Considers Unborn Babies ‘Toxic Things’

(Ezekiel Loseke, Headline USA) Whoopi Goldberg called unborn children “toxic things” while appearing this week on Chris Cuomo’s podcast. “Not just black women, or Asian women or Hispanic women – just women in general!" Goldberg started her rant. "You changed the law without even saying, without even having the information of...

After SCOTUS Victory, Praying Coach Joe Kennedy Says Schools Slow to Respond

(Headline USA) Across the ideological spectrum, there were predictions of dramatic consequences when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of a public high school football coach’s right to pray on the field after games. Yet three months after the decision—and well into the football season—there’s no sign that large...

Treasury Moves Forward w/ Database Targeting Small Businesses, Corporate Ownership

(Headline USA) Tens of millions of small U.S. companies will soon become overly familiar with government bureaucracy and burdensome regulations, and will be required to provide the federal agents with details on their owners and others who benefit from them under a regulation that became final on Thursday and...

Durham Accused of Trying to ‘Protect the Establishment’ after Latest Filing

(Headline USA) Special counsel John Durham, who was appointed by former Attorney General William Barr to investigate the origins of the Russia-collusion hoax, appears ready to withhold critical information about the debunked Steele dossier, according to The Federalist.  Durham charged Russian-born Igor Danchenko---who was the main source for ex-British spy Christopher...

Vice News’s Effort to Rehab Sex-Offender Has Not-So-Surprising Twist Ending

(Headline USA) A registered sex offender sent a picture of his penis to a Vice News producer who ran a glowing profile about his supposed rehabilitation. Vice published a story about a number of convicted sex offenders, including “Aishef,” who served additional time in prison, or “dead time,” because of the...

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Husband Amicably Files for Divorce after 27 Years

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., is being divorced by her estranged husband, Perry Greene, after 27 years of marriage, the Gateway Pundit reported. According to Perry Greene, the separation has been the effective situation for some time now. Per a report from the Business Insider, "he...

Report: Vaccine Studies Used by HHS Were Conducted by China

(Joshua Paladino, Headline USA) The Health and Human Services Department pushed unsafe COVID-19 vaccines on the American people while touting their safety and effectiveness based on data from Chinese research facilities, Judicial Watch reported. The federal government relied on data from a facility in Shanghai, China, and from another site...

Scandal Couldn’t Derail Minnesota AG Keith Ellison, but Surging Crime Might

(Headline USA) Keith Ellison gave up a safe seat in Congress, a term that was mired by scandal and disgrace, to run for Minnesota attorney general, saying it was his best chance to push back against the policies of Donald Trump by implementing soft-of-crime, leftist policy. Now locked in...

Racist Pa. Democrat John Fetterman Scrubs BLM from His Website

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, the Democratic senatorial candidate, has removed all allusions to Black Lives Matter from his campaign website as his chances of winning the upcoming midterm election wane, Fox News reported. Among other issues listed on his new campaign page, Fetterman includes inflation,...

WaPo Tries to Spin ‘Silver Linings’ of Biden’s Recession

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) In a desperate bid to alter the optics of the current recession, ahead of November's midterm election, the notoriously leftist Washington Post published a list titled "7 reasons the recession could be good for you financially." The piece, written by advice columnist Michelle Singletary, has a...

Did Kamala Just Reveal Biden Admin’s Secret ‘Alliance’ w/ N. Korea?

(Headline USA) Vice President Kamala Harris made an embarrassing verbal gaffe during a speech at the Demilitarized Zone located on the Korean border this week, saying the U.S. is proud of its “alliance” with North Korea. “The United States shares a very important relationship, which is an alliance with the Republic...

Libs of TikTok Threatens to Sue Twitter for Baseless Suspension

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) The Libs of TikTok has once again been suspended by Twitter for engaging in allegedly "hateful conduct" against protected groups, according to a recent Libs of TikTok Substack post. This time the account has been suspended for seven days for allegedly violating the social media giant's...
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