Tuesday, October 22, 2024


COVID Vax Booster Peter Hotez Linked to Wuhan Military Scientists Funded through Fauci

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Covid vaccine propagandist Peter Hotez’s newly-reported ties to Chinese military scientists and their work on coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology could explain his fierce reluctance to engage in public debate over the efficacy of vaccines and vaccine mandates. A professor at Baylor College...

Legal Trouble? Biden’s Shocking Reversal in Denial of Hunter Biz Dealings

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) President Joe Biden has made a shocking reversal, contradicting his previous denials of ever discussing his son’s business dealings.  Biden, who in 2019 claimed, “I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” now finds himself asserting the contrary through a spokesman. Ian Sams, a...

WaPo CEO Donated More Than $600K to Democrats

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The allegedly totally non-partisan Washington Post's new CEO, Patricia Stonesifer, has donated more than $600,000 to Democrats as part of a decades-long spree of supporting leftist candidates. For more than two decades, the Amazon board member and former Microsoft executive has been donating to Democrats, with...

Which Way, Republican: WW3 or Peace? Firebrands and RINOs Offer Dueling Ukraine Policies

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) It’s an issue increasingly dividing congressional Republicans: Should the U.S. enter into a hot war with Russia if the war in Ukraine continues to escalate? For Sen. Lindsey Graham, the answer is a resounding “yes.” Graham and Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., co-sponsored a resolution Thursday that...

Hunter Biden Enjoys Lavish State Dinner after Facing Federal Charges

(Headline USA) Hunter Biden was seen attending a lavish state dinner at the White House on Thursday, just days after being federally charged with two misdemeanor accounts of willful failure to pay federal income tax. The plea deal was fiercely criticized as a mere slap on the wrist, relative to the...

Blue-Run Cities No Longer a Good Investment … So Who Will Buy Them Up?

(Robert Jonathan, Headline USA) Investors are reportedly souring on investing in once-vibrant, but now often-empty, downtown areas of Democrat-run cities. "Wall Street is betting against America’s downtowns," a lengthy Wall Street Journal analysis claimed, in part, because of the remote work increase starting in the COVID era led to empty...

Private Investigator: Obama Using Stolen Connecticut SSN Issued in 1977

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A private investigator alleged that former President Barack Obama has been using a stolen Social Security number for much of his adult life the American Thinker reported. According to Susan Daniels, author of the newly published book The Rubbish Hauler's Wife versus Barack Obama, the...

Is The Pentagon Using Online Data to Create Fake Internet Personalities?

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Project for Privacy & Surveillance Accountability announced Friday that it’s obtained a trove of records about how the government uses online commercial data—including records about the Defense Intelligence Agency’s use of such data for “cover operations.” What exactly that means isn’t quite clear. “Does this mean...

Biden Regime Accused of Using Titan Sub Disaster to Deflect Heat from Hunter

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The Biden Defense Department reportedly had a fix as early as Sunday on the deadly implosion of the deep sea submersible Titan, raising questions and concerns about why the information wasn’t made public until Thursday, when recovery efforts turned into a salvage mission for the...

Hunter Used ‘Big Guy’ Joe Biden to Threaten Chinese Business Partner, Testimony Reveals

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Along with stunning IRS whistleblower testimony indicating that President Joe Biden's Justice Department repeatedly and improperly interfered with the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden, additional testimony directly linked Joe Biden to his son's illicit business dealings. Gary Shapley, a former IRS supervisor who oversaw parts of...

Hollywood Actors, Activists Plot to Embed Climate Change Propaganda in Movies, TV Shows

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) Having already achieved significant headway pushing a radical LGBT agenda into the media mainstream, leftist heavyweights are teaming up with Hollywood elites and turning their focus to embedding climate alarmist themes and propaganda into movies and TV shows. Climate communist crony Jane Fonda is joining a...

Bombshell Testimony: DOJ Protected Hunter Biden, Tipped Off Raid

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The Republican-led House Ways and Means Committee released damning testimony from IRS whistleblowers who have come forward with explosive allegations, revealing purported interference by the Biden-led DOJ in the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax evasion crimes. According to the whistleblowers, officials at the DOJ conspired to...
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