Wednesday, October 23, 2024


Rittenhouse Attacker Injured by Hit and Run, Outs His New Alias in Interview

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A career criminal and attacker of Kyle Rittenhouse was recently injured in a hit and run in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, appearing on local news stations and outing himself, despite his attempts to change his name, the Kenosha County Eye reported. Criminal Paul Prediger, formerly known as Gaige...

Leftist Media Outlet Uses Alex Jones Conspiracy to Attack Justice Clarence Thomas

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Bohemian Grove is a secluded retreat in Northern California where America’s elite power brokers meet to secretly plot the future of the nation—and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas is apparently a regular attendee, according to a new report attacking him. No, the report isn’t from...

Serial Fabulist, Ex-MAGA Huckster Lin Wood May Testify for Fani Willis Trial

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) In order to avoid trouble for himself, former pro-MAGA attorney and suspected con-man Lin Wood has reportedly thrown his former allies under the bus by cooperating with the Fulton County District Attorny Fani Willis's lawfare attack on President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants---specifically his one-time...

Texas AG Paxton Believes Election Was Stolen from Trump, Blames Biden for Impeachment

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton told Tucker Carlson this week that he believes the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump, and that the Biden administration instigated the recent impeachment proceedings against him. Paxton’s interview with Carlson followed his acquittal on corruption charges at his impeachment trial...

Fed Files III: FBI Informant’s Phony ‘Obama’ Truck-Bomb Tip Spurred Federal Probe

In the first series of Headline USA's investigative series, "Fed Files," this publication reported on records that neo-Nazi inmate Bill White has been tortured in prison. Part three of this series examines White's claim that he was tortured over a bogus tip from an FBI informant about an alleged...

WaPo Comes Out Against Fetterman’s Sloppy Appearance on Senate Floor

(Headline USA) The Washington Post blasted Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., in an editorial this week over the Democrat’s change to Senate rules, which allows senators to wear relaxed clothing on the chamber floor. Schumer directed the chamber's sergeant-at-arms not to uphold the Senate's dress code for senators this week,...

‘Shout Your Abortion’ Posts Billboards Across Southern States

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The Shout Your Abortion group posted six billboards across Interstate 55, which spans through five strongly pro-life states, hoping to indoctrinate females into thinking that abortion is good and push them to get one. The interstate runs through Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Arkansas, Missouri and Illinois --...

The REAL Motive for Ukraine? Eastern Europeans Find Biden ‘Sexy’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., has shed light on a series of emails that have raised eyebrows about President Joe Biden's involvement in Ukraine The first batch of emails, which are directly tied to Biden’s infamous pseudonyms, revealed a tighter connection between the then-vice president and...

Vaccinated Mothers Transmit mRNA to Their Babies Via Milk

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) A new study of lactating women who took the COVID-19 vaccine revealed that “trace mRNA amounts were detected” up to 45 hours after vaccination in the breast milk of 10 women. The results of the study contradicted one of the Big Pharma narratives that mRNA was...

Biden Fuels Uproar w/ Amnesty for Nearly Half a Million Venezuelan Illegals

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The Biden administration has once again extended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to nearly 470,000 Venezuelan nationals living in the United States, igniting a firestorm of criticism.   The decision follows an unprecedented influx of foreigners into New York City and grants them special status and work permits. Critics...

Kevin McCarthy Responds to GOP Threats to ‘Burn the Whole Place Down’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., issued a dire warning to fiscal Republicans who resisted a contentious defense bill that includes funding for scandal-plagued Ukraine, describing their opposition as an attempt to "burn the whole place down."  Addressing reporters inside Capitol Hill, McCarthy voiced his concerns about his...

Broke Project Veritas Suspends All Operations

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Project Veritas, the conservative investigative organization that was founded by James O’Keefe, suspended all its operations on Wednesday after another round of layoffs. It was revealed to the remaining employees in a Wednesday letter by HR director Jennifer Kiyak that the organization is putting all operations...
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