Monday, June 24, 2024


Newsom Snubbed Chinese Dissident While Rolling Out Red Carpet for Xi

(Headline USA) California Gov. Gavin Newsom reportedly refused to meet with a Chinese dissident before or after his October trip to China, where he met with Chinese Communist Party officials, including President Xi Jinping. Anna Kwok, a Hong Kong activist who has been publicly outspoken against China’s takeover of the former...

Democratic Staffer Filmed Gay Porn in Senate Office Building

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Some might call it the latest sign that the U.S. government is a collapsing empire—though compared to the civil liberties abuses, endless wars and theft of taxpayer funds, others might argue that it’s not the most vulgar event to transpire on Capitol Hill. In any event,...

Stefanik Files Ethics Complaint over Biased D.C. Judge’s Political Speech

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., filed an ethics complaint arguing that a federal judge in the Washington D.C. District Court who has overseen many Jan. 6 cases---and some involving former President Donald Trump and his allies---engaged in judicial misconduct. According to Stefanik, Judge Beryl Howell, an Obama...

Republicans Introduce Plan to Verify U.S. Citizenship on Mail-In Ballots

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Remarkably, the Left has turned the voting debate from controversy over mass-scale mail-in ballots to whether or not illegal immigrants and foreign citizens should be permitted to vote. Just last week, for instance, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, R-N.Y., claimed that New York City officials may be attempting to...

Top Russiagate Investigator Given 50 Months Imprisonment for Ties to Russian Oligarch

(The Center Square) A former top FBI agent was sentenced to more than four years in prison on Thursday for helping a Russian oligarch avoid U.S. sanctions. Charles McGonigal, 55, the former Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Counterintelligence Division in New York was sentenced to 50 months in...

Maine’s Efforts to Curb Foreign Election-Meddling Face Legal Challenges, Uncertainty

(Headline USA) Two utilities and two media organizations are suing over a referendum in Maine that closed a loophole in federal election law allowing foreign entities to spend on local and state ballot measures. The three lawsuits take aim at the proposal overwhelmingly approved by voters on Nov. 7 to...

Report: Army Platoons Begin Using Killer Robots

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The thought of someone like President Joe Biden unleashing an army of killer robots might sound like a right-wing fever dream, but it’s closer to reality than one might expect. According to a Wednesday report from the Military Times, efforts to incorporate robots in the military...

Militia Leader Targeted by FBI is out of Prison, Still Fighting Conviction

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) About a decade before the FBI infiltrated Midwest militias and fomented a plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, the bureau targeted Alaska’s militias as part of an apparent attempt to disrupt what was once a thriving Tea Party movement in that state. The FBI’s main...

Congress Caves and Extends FBI’s Domestic Spying Power

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Despite all the bluster about protecting civil liberties, Congress voted on Thursday to extend Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act—the controversial law that allows agencies to spy on foreigners, but which often results in the surveillance of Americans’ communications. Section 702 of FISA was...

Prosecutor Accused of Interfering in Hunter Biden Probe Exits DOJ

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A former federal prosecutor accused of meddling in the criminal investigation into Hunter Biden has departed from the DOJ, the New York Post reported on Thursday.  Lesley Wolf, a former Delaware assistant U.S. attorney, announced her departure during a behind-closed-doors deposition with the House Judiciary Committee in...

Boston Mayor: No Remorse for Racist Holiday Party That Excluded White Colleagues

(Headline USA) Boston's Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu defended hosting a holiday party for only “electeds of color,” arguing that she was only sorry that white city councilmembers had found out they had been excluded from the publically funded event. Wu came under fire this week after her office mistakenly sent an...

NYTimes Stealth-Edits Hunter’s Quote about Joe not Being ‘Financially Involved’

(Headline USA) The New York Times stealth-edited a report about Hunter Biden’s press conference on Capitol Hill this week after falsely quoting Hunter as saying that his father, President Joe Biden, was “not involved” with his foreign business deals. The original quote from Hunter, which he repeated at least three times...
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