Thursday, October 17, 2024

Biden Sex-Assault Victim Says DOJ Still Targeting Her in Russia

'I think not shutting up [was my crime]...'

(Molly BrunsHeadline USA) Tara Reade, former Senate aide and victim of an alleged sexual assault by now-President Joe Biden, reported that the Justice Department still tried to attack her even after seeking asylum in Moscow, Russia.

Reade fled to Russia in May 2023 and launched a lawsuit against the DOJ for misconduct.

The new accusations of harassment came out in an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

In the interview, Reade explained that her attorney filed a complaint with the Inspector General of the DOJ, Michael E. Horowitz, after facing mistreatment by FBI and DOJ.

Horowitz did not respond to the complaint, pushing her attorneys to levy a tort claim against the organization for $10 million.

When asked what she thinks her crime was, she said it was because she refused to stop trying to bring the case to light.

“I think not shutting up [was my crime],” she said. “I think because I just wouldn’t stop talking. I kept trying to push for an investigation.”

She recounted several lies told by the Biden administration as they attempted to cover up the case.

Former Press Secretary Jen Psaki lied in the press room about the case being litigated, which was untrue. Officials never investigated the attack on Reade.

She said that she faced death threats, harassment and more at the hands of large government organizations, particularly after Reps. Marjorie Taylor-Greene, R-Ga., and Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., invited her to testify on a whistleblower panel.

Reade accused Biden of sexually assaulting her in 1993, when she worked as a staffer for his Senate office.

There is speculation that Biden’s Senate records contain information about the assault, but they are inaccessible under the University of Delaware seal.

There is a federal criminal investigation into Reade happening under the Biden DOJ; she claimed she will likely get indicted by the federal government, but is unsure why, because the documents are sealed.

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