Saturday, October 26, 2024

Trump May Abolish IRS, Income Tax

'I’m voting for No Income Tax!!!'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump recently announced that if he becomes president of the United States, he could abolish the income tax, making the IRS obsolete.

Trump said this during a town hall segment with Fox News at a barbershop in the Bronx, New York City.

“With all this extra revenue that we’re going to be bringing into the country, do you believe that at some point in time, we could find a way — once the country’s back on its feet and getting enough revenue and pays off our debt — do you think it’s possible to find a way to eliminate federal taxes?” one person who attended the town hall asked Trump.

Trump responded by saying it was possible, adding that in the 1890s, the United States relied on tariffs and didn’t have a federal income tax.

“Now we have income taxes, and we have people that are dying, they’re paying tax, and they don’t have the money to pay the tax,” Trump said. “In the old days, 1890, 1880, we had so much money they had to set up committees, blue-ribbon committees, how to spend our wealth. We had no idea how to spend it. It was so much money. Then we went to the income tax system, and the rest is sort of history.”

Conservatives responded enthusiastically to the recent news on Twitter.

“I’m voting for No Income Tax!!!” @realdefender45 wrote.

Jack Posobeic of Human Events also responded to the recent news.

“Trump started out with no tax on tips. Now, he’s talking about abolishing the IRS. The Federal Reserve is next. Pray for this man,” he wrote.

Others noted that if Trump did that, he would become one of the best American presidents because he would start the “golden age.”

Other conservatives agreed, noting that by abolishing the income tax, Trump would “effectively end the ceaseless rape of the American taxpayer.”

“They want him gone for many reasons, but one of the biggest reasons is because he is serious about ending all federal income tax, abolishing the IRS and truly restoring power to the people,” @niceblackdude wrote.

Conservative activist Ashley St. Clair also responded to the recent news.

“Kamala Harris is endorsed by the IRS Union. Donald Trump is flirting with abolishing income tax. Easiest choice ever, America!” she wrote.

Some Americans also suggested it would be great if Trump abolished property tax.

“Throw property tax in there. Once you pay off your house, it should be yours with no exception,” @hartgoat wrote.

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