Monday, October 14, 2024

Stanley Kubrick’s Daughter Becomes MAGA

'I feel very confident [my father] would be a Trump supporter and would forgive using [the film's] incongruously if it helps the cause of freedom!'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Apparently, not every Hollywood dweller is an entitled and out-of-touch leftist celebrity.

Vivian Kubrick, the daughter of the well-known and respected Hollywood director Stanley Kubrick, recently responded to Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s use of scenes from one of her father’s movies, Full Metal Jacket.

A conservative involved in politics would assume that the reaction would not be positive because that is how celebrities usually react to non-leftist politicians using their work to promote their conservative beliefs. However, in this case, it was the opposite.

Addressing those leftists who automatically assumed that her father would disapprove of Trump using scenes from his movies, Vivian wrote that, even though she understands that the anti-war film is not directly connected to the pro-strong and powerful military narrative pushed by Trump, she claimed her father would not oppose Trump using the scene from one of his movies.

After saying that “these are very dangerous and strange times and thus using this footage is doubtless pure expedience,” Vivian added that she’s sure that “the irony of using [the film’s] footage is not lost on Trump or his team” because he always wants to “end wars and use peaceful methods.”

She then noted that the reason why Trump’s team decided to use the scene from her father’s movie was to show how woke the American military had become in comparison to what it used to be during the Vietnam era when the movie took place. Vivian also wrote that both she and her father would agree with Trump that the Left has temporarily conquered the U.S. military.

“Truthfully, I believe my father (who supported Reagan) would very much approve of saving America, indeed the world, from the highly destructive Globalist forces threatening to take over this planet,” she wrote, noting that Trump “has [her] blessing” if he wants to use the clips from her father’s movies in this way.

Vivian then noted that her father was a big fan of guns and “had a great respect for life,” with his movies “being unimpeachable evidence of his love for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!”

“I feel very confident he would be a Trump supporter and would forgive using [the film’s] incongruously if it helps the cause of freedom!” she wrote. “Capisce?”

Vivian previously expressed her conservative beliefs on Twitter by reposting the posts from Infowars’ founder Alex Jones, former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, and many others. She also reposted Trump’s post with the clip from Full Metal Jacket. and changed her profile’s background by adding the now-iconic image of Trump after almost being assassinated for the first time.

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