Friday, July 26, 2024

Progressive Left Alarmed at Biden’s Cognitive Decline

‘Lots of people are talking about the undeniable decline in his speech & memory. But Joe Biden has a history of lying—A LOT…’

Progressive Left Alarmed at Biden’s Cognitive Decline
Joe Biden / IMAGE: MSNBC

(Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) How are we going to beat Trump when Joe Biden doesn’t know what state he’s in, the office he’s running for, or the difference between his wife and sister?

That’s the widely shared alarm on the progressive Left as Biden nears closing out his Democratic presidential primary front-runner status to outright general election nominee. Biden has been gaffe-prone throughout his career, but his cognitive decline is something new and existentially threatening in the eyes of the political Left.

Nevertheless, the Democratic establishment has pinned its hopes of defeating President Donald Trump on the 77-year-old, a six-term U.S. senator and two-term vice president who once bragged about helping segregationists thwart school integration and spearheading Clinton-era legislation that led to the mass incarceration of black citizens.

Throw in Biden’s support for the Iraq War and recent revelations of massive corruption—where “Uncle Joe” leveraged his position as a senior government official to steer untold sums to family members like his son Hunter, daughter Ashley, and brothers Frank and James—and Biden’s as unattractive a primary candidate imaginable to the modern, politically-correct Left.

But short of his vast political deficiencies, Biden’s clear mental deficiencies are a screaming red flag, according to outspoken progressives.

“Why does Joe Biden make so much stuff up? Why is he so incoherent? Will it hurt him in the election? Lots of people are talking about the undeniable decline in his speech & memory,” tweeted Jill Stein, a left-wing activist and 2016 Green Party nominee for president.

“Let’s hope DNC doesn’t cancel the debate & Bernie Sanders exposes Biden for all America to see: his empty corporate platform, lies, corruption, warmongering, record of prostituting himself to donors, and yes, #BidensCognitiveDecline. Otherwise buckle up for a likely Trump term 2,” Stein continued.

The Twitter hashtag “#BidensCognitiveDecline” is a seemingly endless list of video clips and angry sentiments about the Democratic establishment’s backing of the near octogenarian Biden.

Robert Lawton, a progressive running for a California congressional seat, cited a tweet with a clip showing Biden telling mothers of victims of gun violence to buy shotguns. “Pause for a moment to enjoy that THIS is who the entire Dem establishment has bet everything on,” Lawton wrote.

Many others are expressing similar concerns. “I’m not willing to lose to Trump twice. If you vote for [Biden] it’s your fault,” reads one anonymous account. Another account includes a recent campaign video of Biden rambling and shuffling off camera before he’s finished speaking; the video fades out before a confused Biden further sinks the promo. “This makes me sad. This needs to be discussed. WHY isn’t the press talking about this?!? Why does it feel like we are shouting into an empty void?!?!” the commenter said.

Not only has the media been silent about Biden’s cognitive issues, but according to left-leaning libertarian journalist Glenn Greenwald, the mainstream press has gone on the offensive. Along with Democratic Party attack-dogs, the Left’s media cohorts have sought to punish anyone with influence who dares admit the obvious.

Writing for the Intercept, Greenwald asserted that “those who now raise these concerns instantly come under a withering assault of insults and attacks from Democratic Party operatives along with their crucial media allies,” who he describes as “thinly disguised pro-Biden reporters who continue to insist on wearing the unconvincing and fraudulent costume of neutrality.”

Greenwald, who won a Pulitzer Prize in 2014 for publishing a series of controversial reports in the left-wing Guardian newspaper that revealed Edward Snowden’s stolen trove of classified documents, also decried the Democratic establishment’s ruthless gamesmanship when it comes to stopping genuine progressives from threatening the party’s Wall Street and foreign war interests.

He cited Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign practice of poisoning the electorate with nefarious misinformation and the media obediently blaming Republicans.

“In February, 2008, Clinton campaign officials widely circulated a photo of Obama meeting with tribal elders while dressed in Somali garb on a trip to rural Kenya, an act which Obama’s campaign chief David Plouffe angrily denounced as ‘the most shameful, offensive fear-mongering we’ve seen from either party in this election,’” Greenwald wrote.

“In December, 2007, the Clinton campaign—weeks before the Iowa caucus—was forced to “request” one of its volunteer county coordinators leave the campaign when it was revealed that the official, along with numerous other Clinton supporters, were forwarding and posting emails claiming Obama was Muslim and sent by ‘madrassas’ to infiltrate the U.S. on behalf of radical Islam,” he continued.

As with the current election, Sanders was the Democratic machine’s progressive smear-campaign target in 2016. His supporters believe it’s happening again in 2020.

A few short weeks ago, Sanders was the primary front-runner after Biden finished fourth in Iowa and fifth in New Hampshire. Then, the DNC and mainstream media closed ranks and set about destroying the Castro-praising, Soviet apologist from Vermont.

Just prior to the Super Tuesday elections, when roughly one-third of primary delegates were at stake, former Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar both unexpectedly dropped out, thus eliminating moderate-lane competition for Biden.

Meanwhile, the hyper-progressive Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren waited until after Super Tuesday to quit, and not before dividing Sanders’ left-wing electoral support. Bernie supporters not unrealistically suspected the fix was in.

Now, Biden is politically ascendant while his mental faculties are deteriorating in plain sight. It’s a dilemma that has not gone unnoticed, in spite of media efforts to convince the public otherwise. As the radical left-wing Jacobin puts it, “Joe Biden Is Not All There Mentally. Running Him for President Is Incredibly Dangerous.”

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