Thursday, October 24, 2024

Kamala Wants Amnesty for Illegals

'This is enraging...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris recently admitted during an interview with MSNBC that she fully supports amnesty for illegal aliens.

“Right now, we’re talking about border security, and there’s nobody, no Democrat, talking about a pathway to citizenship, immigration relief, benefits that migrants bring to this country,” Telemundo host Julio Vaqueiro told Harris during the interview.

Harris responded by saying that she supports all of that.

“I am. I am talking about it … There’s no question that … migrants bring — America is a country that was built in part by immigrants… We need smart, humane immigration policy that includes a pathway to citizenship,” she said.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly responded to Harris’s recent remarks.

“This is enraging. Mass amnesty for the 20+ MILLION illegals Kamala imported would permanently turn America into a Democrat-controlled hellscape, and that’s the ultimate goal. THAT is why this is the most important election of our lifetimes. This is our last chance. We must elect Trump in 13 days, or we’ll no longer have a country,” independent journalist Nick Sortor said.

Conservative political commentator Rogan O’Handley also responded to the recent news, telling his audience how shocked he was when he heard her saying that.

“Holy c**p, she said the quiet part out loud,” he wrote.

“They want to turn us into a third-world country and control Americans. The upcoming election is absolutely crucial, and they are trying to steal it,” @LarryDJonesJr wrote.

Laura Loomer also responded to the recent news on Twitter, adding that Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has been right all along when he was saying that Harris wants to flood the country with illegals all over the world.

Even worse is the fact that all battleground state Senate Dems @SenateDems want to empower Border Czar Harris’s open borders. Democrat Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey … runs away every time [I] and @TheCharlesDowns [ask] him about Kamala’s open borders,” she wrote.

However, it wasn’t the first time when Harris pushed for amnesty of illegals. Headline USA and other conservatives on Twitter reported many times on how radical Harris’s immigration agenda is.

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