Wednesday, October 16, 2024

CBS Caught Selectively Editing Mike Johnson’s Interview

'Yesterday, they chose to cut FIVE important minutes out of my nearly 15-minute interview...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was recently discovered that CBS News selectively edited the interview with House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La.

This revived conservative conversations about the network’s corruption and partisanship.

“CBS has been under fire for selectively editing their interviews to PROMOTE Democrats and UNDERMINE Republicans. Yesterday, they chose to cut FIVE important minutes out of my nearly 15-minute interview. You can be the judge as to why. Stand by for the receipts,” Johnson wrote in one of his Twitter posts.

In his follow-up posts, Johnson pointed out how the leftist network decided to get rid of some of the things that he said during the interview.

“I recently traveled to [North Carolina], and victims of Hurricane Helene told me that nearly two weeks after landfall, the Biden-Harris Administration had STILL not provided them with all the resources they desperately needed. But CBS selectively edited OUT ENTIRELY this first-hand perspective,” he wrote.

Johnson also posted a clip of him talking about Gov. Glenn Youngkin, R-Va., and his recent election integrity decision to prevent non-Americans from voting in the 2024 election. As expected, Democrats did not want Americans to know about that.

Johnson also pointed out that CBS News didn’t want its audience to hear about the Democrats in the Senate blocking the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would ensure that only American citizens are allowed to vote.

“The Biden-Harris Admin let millions of illegal aliens in our country. So, the House passed the SAVE Act to ensure only American citizens vote in American elections. CBS edited that out and focused on 2020 instead of immediate threats to election integrity,” he wrote.

Conservatives on Twitter quickly responded to the blatant censorship by the network.

“They should lose their broadcast license,” @smdowner wrote.

Others also pointed out that there is no point for anyone who is not a radical leftist to talk with people on NBC News since they would twist your words or remove them, just like the network did with Johnson.

Some conservatives even addressed the network directly, criticizing them for censoring many portions of the interview.

“You are a disgrace, and no one is watching this garbage. You’re an unethical brainwashing organization and have lost all credibility and respect from the public,” author and blogger N. Davis Gibby wrote.

The recent news about Johnson’s censored interview came after multiple reports of the partisanship of CBS News, with donors and journalists having far-left political beliefs.

Additionally, it was recently revealed that CBS News’ 60 Minutes selectively edited Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris’s interview to remove her communist gobbledygook and make her appear like a good candidate for the job.

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