Monday, September 30, 2024


Biden White House Mourns O.J. Simpson, Silent on Victims’ Families

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) The White House extended its condolences to the mourning family of infamous athlete and convicted felon O.J. Simpson, following his death on Thursday.  Disturbingly, the White House failed to acknowledge the families and friends of his late ex-wife and friend, whom Simpson was accused of murdering. He was...

Biden Admin. to Spend $1M to Study ‘Latina Resistance’

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The Biden-controlled National Science Foundation, the government agency that is supposed to promote scientific progress, will give away over a million taxpayer dollars to DEI propaganda of "Latina resistance" and “intraminority solidarity.” The NSF, which controls $9.9 billion of federal money and exists to “promote the progress...

Andrew McCabe Acknowledges Major ‘Mistakes’ in FISA Spying of Trump Campaign

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Disgraced former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe conceded in a Thursday appearance on CNN that significant "mistakes" occurred in the FBI's surveillance of an adviser to the Trump campaign in 2016, as reported by the Daily Caller.  McCabe's remarks came as he attempted to defend the proposed...

Biden Once Again Dependent on Scripted Note Cards During Joint Press Conference

(Headline USA) President Joe Biden once again appeared heavily dependent on notecards during his press conference with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on Wednesday. Throughout the presser, the 81-year-old frequently looked down at his cheat sheets, which typically include reporters’ names, which publication they work for, and sometimes even the specific...

Mont. Senate Candidate Calls Out Wash. Post for Harassment over Hit Piece

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) Montana's GOP senatorial candidate, Tim Sheehy, called out a Washington Post journalist who attempted to badger his friends and family into participating in a smear attack, the Daily Caller reported. Sheehy made public a voicemail transcript showing Post writer Beth Reinhard's repeated efforts to dig up dirt,...

Biden’s ATF Moves to Ban Private Gun Sales

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Biden administration has finalized a regulation that could effectively ban the private sale of firearms. The rule from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives could effectively ban private gun sales by expanding the definition of who would be classified as a “dealer” under...

Reporter Tells Congress Critters the Hard Truth: U.S. Agencies Aren’t Accountable to Them

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) Former CBS journalist Sharyl Attkisson didn't mince words when she testified Thursday at a House Judiciary Committee hearing on press freedom, telling members that they’re failing to hold U.S. intelligence agencies accountable. Attkisson was speaking in response to questions from Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-NY, about the committee’s proposed...

Lesbian Congresswoman: Gov’t Threat to Journalists is a ‘Conspiracy Theory’

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing Thursday on protecting investigative journalists from coercion, where former CBS reporter Catherine Herridge testified about a U.S. judge holding her in contempt and fining her $800 per day for protecting a confidential source. Much of the hearing was collegial...

FBI and National Guard Simulate Nuclear Domestic Terrorist Attack

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The National Guard, FBI and other agencies conducted an exercise involving a “frantic search for a nuclear dirty bomb” at a basketball and hockey arena in Trenton, New Jersey last month. As noted by The Intercept, the national security state has been conducting such exercises regularly...

Alleged Antifa Terrorist Charged with Bombing Alabama AG’s Office

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The man who detonated a bomb outside of the Alabama Attorney General’s Office in February was a far-left Antifa supporter with a history of mental health issues, according to Justice Department records published Wednesday. According to the indictment and other court documents, an explosive device was...

Democrats in Ariz. House Hijack Session to Protest Pro-Life Ruling

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Democratic members of the Arizona House of Representatives wreaked havoc during a congressional session to protest a state Supreme Court decision that effectively bans abortions.  “Shame! Shame!” Democrats shouted, directing their anger toward Republicans. “Blood on your hands! Blood on your hands!” they added, prompting Republicans to...

Black Americans Stun Trump w/ Massive Show of Support in Ga.

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Former President Donald Trump’s visit to Georgia may have surprised Democrats as he encountered an unexpected group of supporters – black Americans. Viral videos surfaced on Wednesday, showing Trump warmly greeting guests and workers at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A, moments before heading to a multi-million-dollar fundraiser.  A black woman particularly...
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