Monday, June 17, 2024


Leftists Pushing Biden to Declare Climate Emergency After Maui Fire

(Headline USA) Leftists are pushing President Joe Biden to declare a national climate emergency in the wake of a devastating wildfire in Maui, which would allow him to unilaterally pass a radical environmentalist agenda. Despite overwhelming evidence that the fire in Maui was sparked by the island’s electric utility and exacerbated...

REPORT: CNN Analyst Van Jones Booted from Org. that He Started, Funded by Bezos

(Robert Jonathan, Headline USA) CNN talking head Van Jones has reportedly been forced out of a woke nonprofit organization that he founded. Two years ago, Amazon boss Jeff Bezos handed Jones a check for $100 million to fund his activism, but that largess evidently did not prevent him from being...

Snowflake Activists Force Cancellation of Queen’s ‘Fat Bottomed Girls’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As so-called body-positivity activists continue to push the obesity agenda, Universal Music Group has dropped one of British classic-rock band Queen's most popular songs, "Fat Bottomed Girls," from its latest "greatest hits" compilation, the Telegraph reported. The 1978 single, penned by Queen lead guitarist and part-time...

Biden Takes Worse Losses of Administration, then Takes Vacation in Billionaire’s Home

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Washington Post reported last Thursday that Ukraine’s counteroffensive against Russia failed to meet its core objectives and its military is crumbling—marking perhaps the Biden administration’s worst public policy failure to date. The next day, the Bidens began a weeklong vacation at a billionaire’s multimillion-dollar mansion. The...

Ford CEO Admits Driving Electric Vehicle Long Distance Was A ‘Reality Check’

(Headline USA) Ford CEO Jim Farley admitted this week that the electric vehicles being forced on the market by the Biden administration have serious downsides that have not yet been addressed. Farley said he recently took Ford’s electric pickup truck on a cross-country road trip, and called the long drive a...

Racist New York Times Wants Blacks to Leave Town, Move South

(Corine Gatti, Headline USA) New York Times columnist Charles Blow suggested that black Americans should leave Northern cities and move to the South in order to become a voting majority and gain more political power in a recent audio essay.  Although Blow framed it as a ploy for advancing black political...

Minnesota Art Museum Offers ‘Family Friendly Demon Summoning Session’

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) A publicly funded nonprofit in Minneapolis, Minnesota, hosted a demon summoning ritual called "Lilit the Empathic Demon," billed as a "family friendly" event. The Walker Art Center, which hosts hundreds of thousands of visitors a year, described the event as a "collective and playful demon summoning...

Environmental Org. to Host GOP Debate Party as Young Republicans Drink ‘Climate’ Kool-Aid

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) A conservative interest group is attempting to bring the climate change issue to the forefront of the Republican party at the upcoming presidential primary debates, the Washington Times reported. The debate will be co-sponsored by the American Conservative Coalition, a conservative interest group which lists its...

Big Tech Accused of Sabotaging Tucker Carlson, Mark Levin Books

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The publisher of the critically-acclaimed and MAGA-embraced blockbuster book Tucker accused Amazon of deliberately trying to sabotage its success. All Seasons Press confirmed its intent to “make formal representations to the Federal Trade Commission, after the book’s sales rankings appeared to be negatively affected by both...

Biden’s Defense of Bidenomics Fuels Blistering Thread of Memes

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The backlash from President Joe Biden's snarled challenge for critics to name a single policy failure of his administration, coupled with his embrace and gargled defense of his eponymous economic policies, continued to reverberate across social media. The apex was arguably reached in hilariously brutal fashion...

Yes, Section 230 Allows Social Media Platforms to Moderate Content Subjectively

(By Isaac Schick, FEE) Recently the Supreme Court avoided deciding on where the limits of Section 230 were concerning content algorithms. Many have interpreted this as a positive sign that Section 230 will continue to protect private platforms’ ability to moderate content as they see fit. Some Republican lawmakers have...

Obama’s Brother: Barack a ‘Snake’ Who ‘Sold His Soul to the Devil’

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) According to former President Barack Obama's estranged half-brother, he is a demonic figure who "sold his soul to the devil," One American News reported. Aside from accusing him of selling his soul, Malik Obama also called his half-brother a "snake" in a recent tweet. https://twitter.com/ObamaMalik/status/1690870939032989696?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1690870939032989696%7Ctwgr%5Effc10c24c273c6837d00e5809455d5a2ddb4883a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.oann.com%2Fnewsroom%2Fobamas-estranged-brother-posts-throwback-picture-of-the-two-calls-barack-a-snake-and-says-he-sold-his-soul-to-the-devil%2F "HE HAS SOLD...
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