Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Biden-Harris Admin. Supports Dockworkers’ Strike

'This strike is about fairness...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The BidenHarris administration recently responded to the dockworkers’ strike by supporting them so that the October surprise would not turn into a potential October disaster for the Democrats, in general, and the Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris, in particular.

In her statement, the Biden-Harris administration’s Labor Secretary, Julie Su, praised the workers for “[putting] their health and safety on the line to keep working through the pandemic” while criticizing the port owners for not trying to reach an agreement.

“Over the last week and more, I have spent hours on the phone and in meetings with the parties urging them to find a way to reach a fair contract,” she wrote.

Su then gaslighted Americans by writing that the U.S. economy “has defied all expectations thanks to the Biden-Harris administration’s leadership. She also wrote that workers and companies can negotiate, which Su understands as the companies agreeing to all the workers’ demands.

“The parties need to get back to the negotiating table, and that must begin with these giant shipping magnates acknowledging that if they can make record profits, their workers should share in that economic success,” she wrote.

Harold Daggett, president of the International Longshoremen’s Association, responded to Su’s statement.

“The 85,000 members of the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA) are grateful for the wisdom, courage and leadership of our Acting U.S. Labor Secretary Julie Su,” he wrote. “Our ILA rank and file members will continue to strike for fair wages and their share of the Foreign Ocean Carriers record billion-dollar profits and we are grateful to have the support of the U.S. Labor Department.”

Harris also supported the strike, with her campaign publishing a statement on Twitter.

“This strike is about fairness,” Harris wrote, adding that the ILA workers “deserve a fair share of these record profits.”

Harris also didn’t miss an opportunity to criticize Donald Trump by claiming that he doesn’t care about workers and only cares about billionaires who gave those workers jobs.

“Donald Trump, on the other hand, wants to pull us back to a time before workers had the freedom to organize,” she wrote. “Donald Trump makes empty promise after empty promise to American workers but never delivers. He thinks our economy should only work for those who own the big skyscrapers, not those who actually build them.”

Headline USA previously reported on Daggett threatening the U.S. government to “cripple” the country if it doesn’t do what he and the union wants.

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