Saturday, September 28, 2024

AOC & Socialist Allies Plot to Take on NYC Dem Establishment Council Members

'This campaign will be a key issue in the 2021 election cycle...'

With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez at the helm, the New York City branch of the Democratic Socialists of America plots to transform the city council into a “socialist caucus,” the New York Post reported.

Because of term limits, 35 of the 51 seats in the city council are up for election, and only 16 of those seats have incumbent candidates.

The party desires a clash between the establishment Democrats and the radical left, one like 2018 that ended in AOC’s defeat of veteran Congressman Joe Crowley.

Following his defeat, Crowley left his position as chairman of the Queens Democratic Party.

In the June Democratic primaries, five DSA-backed candidates won state legislative seats against incumbents.

The DSA plans to continue to push out incumbents and advance candidates who support their socialist agenda, specifically those candidates who promise to defund the NYPD once elected.

The budget cuts following the summer’s violent unrest over George Floyd and other cases of police-criminal violence proved not enough for the DSA. The group’s plan claims the budget changes “merely moved [NYPD] money around.”

Instead, the group desires to cut NYPD’s budget by 50 percent or $3 million.

Teachers, EMTs, firefighters, and youth and social service programs would benefit from the allocated funds.

“This campaign will be a key issue in the 2021 election cycle. NYC-DSA has already committed to making the call to defund [the NYPD] a central matter in its City Council endorsements and the socialist caucus it aims to build in advance of the 2022 budget,” the DSA steering committee plan says.

Beyond defunding the police, the DSA has brewed up a full socialist agenda, which they have outlined in their 13-page “tasks and perspectives” document.

In order to drive their plans home, the DSA plans to prey upon the economic fragility that COVID has caused New Yorkers.

The DSA plans on raising the taxes of the wealthy to fund the Green New Deal and the New York Health Act. They would also create government-run, single-payer health care, something appealing in the height of media-induced COVID hysteria.

Two days ago, AOC retweeted Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy’s tweet: “Heads up – anybody in this country who has had COVID, or ever tests positive for the COVID antibodies, has a preexisting condition. And when Trump rams through an anti-health care judge, and the ACA is eliminated, your rates are going through the roof.”

Cancelling rent is also on the party’s agenda.

Bereft of their income, landlords will have no choice but to give up their properities—an easy-in for the government and public housing.

Yesterday, the NYC-DSA Twitter account claimed “Housing is a Human Right.”

The DSA furthermore plans to strengthen the control of NYC’s biggest unions: District Council 37, the United Federation of Teachers and the NYC Nurses’ Association.

Their radical designs to transform the New York City Council and the attack on the wealthy that will come with it will most likely anger Gov. Andrew Cuomo, according to the DSA plan.

The party says it “welcome[s] his hatred.”

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