Thursday, October 17, 2024

America’s Only Never-Elected President Eerily Predicted Kamala’s Rise 

'In that term of office, the president will die and the woman will become president...'

(Luis CornelioHeadline USAFormer President Gerald Ford—the only U.S. leader never to have been elected either president or vice president—made a startlingly accurate prediction 35 years ago that appeared to harbinger the recent political rise of Vice President Kamala Harris.

During a 1989 appearance at the Herbert Hoover Library in West Branch, Iowa, Ford stated that the stigma of a woman president would only be broken if she were first elected vice president and then elevated to the presidency if her running mate were to pass away while in office.

In response to a question from a young girl seeking advice on how to become president, Ford explained that such an election would not occur in the “normal” course of events.

“Either the Republican or Democrat political party will nominate a man for president and a woman for vice president and the woman and man will win. So you’ll end up with a president a male and a vice president of female,” Ford began. 

He continued, “In that term of office, the president will die and the woman will become president under the law or Constitution and once that barrier is broken, from then on, men better be careful because they’ll have a hard, hard time ever even getting a nomination in the future.” 

Ford concluded his prediction by saying such a scenario would happen “sometime in the next four or eight years.” Nobody’s perfect.

Notably, Ford himself was elevated to the presidency after serving as vice president to President Richard Nixon, who resigned under pressure over the Watergate scandal. 

Nixon had selected Ford as second-in-command after his original vice president, Spiro Agnew, resigned over a criminal investigation.

Ford—a centrist who had previously served on the Warren Commission, which determinied no conspiracies had occured in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy—became Nixon’s top choice because he was advised that the House minority leader would be most easily confirmed by Congress.

But according to some, Nixon, who was elected into office as one of the most popular presidents only to resign as one of its most reviled, may have been a target of the Deep State, much like Kennedy and former President Donald Trump.

Although Ford had a reputation for being clumsy yet amicable, behind the scenes he may have been helping intelligence operatives to cover up their Kennedy hit and to successfully execute the Nixon coup. Ford’s appointment of globalist billionaire heir Nelson Rockefeller as his own vice president only underscored where his loyalties lay.

Fast forward to 2024: Ford’s prediction is making a comeback on social media after President Joe Biden was forcibly ejected from the 2024 presidential ticket by Democrat party elites under threat that they would have the 81-year-old declared unfit to serve. Biden then endorsed Harris, his running mate, as the heir to the ticket. 

Some Democrats are even demanding Biden resign from office and make Harris the incumbent to increase the chances of winning the election. Willie Brown, the former San Francisco mayor and former boyfriend of Harris, is among those Democrats calling on Biden to step down.

“I hope all those Democrats who’ve been pushing Biden to quit will now show up and ring doorbells with me,” he said recently.

However, where Kennedy, Nixon and Trump all defied the demands of powerful plutocrats and paid the price for it, Bidenplayed the obedient foot soldier and is likely to be rewarded by finishing out his term, health permitting.

With attention now focused on Harris, the lame-duck, wholly unaccountable president is well positioned to ramp up his pursuit of one of the most radical and corrupt agendas in U.S. history, and to ensure that the outcome that Ford foretold long ago comes to pass as promised.

Headline USA’s Ben Sellers contributed to this report.

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