Saturday, October 12, 2024

Bloodthirsty Dems Want Rudy Giuliani’s Yankees World Series Rings

'Very sad...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) The Left can’t stop its witchhunt on a former New York City mayor and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, now going as far as trying to take away his Yankees World Series rings from him.

The National Pulse reported that Andrew Giuliani, Rudy’s son, filed court documents to assert his ownership of the four rings his father received from the baseball team following their championships in 1996, 1998, 1999 and 2000.

“I told you when I got these [rings] that they would be yours someday, and I want to give them to you now,” Andrew allegedly remembered his father telling him in a court declaration, according to the New York Post. “As a child and a young adult, I had spent many nights with my father watching Yankees games and bonding over our love for the team, and I was excited about receiving the rings.”

He also argued that his father gifted him the rings in 2018.

“My understanding then and today is that these four World Series rings were a gift from my father and that they have belonged to me since May 26, 2018,” Andrew stated.

According to the Pulse, Andrew implemented this strategy to prevent Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea “Shaye” Moss from removing his father’s rings.

The Pulse added that the rings were involved in a $148 million defamation judgment against Rudy by Freeman and Moss. The judgment was spawned after Giuliani questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, which the election workers claimed caused them to face significant threats.

Conservative accounts on Twitter responded to the recent news as well.

“Very sad,” @_johnnymaga wrote.

It wasn’t the only time when the Left attempted to destroy Rudy’s life. As was previously reported, the Department of Justice, the Board on Professional Responsibility, Hunter Biden, federal agents, mass media, the Arizona attorney general’s office, the New York Appeals Court in Manhattan and even his daughter, Caroline, made Rudy’s life harder because he dared to go against the regime.

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