Saturday, October 5, 2024

Satanic Pedophile Sent to Mental Hospital, Likely Won’t Stand Trial


(Ken Silva, Headline USA) U.S. District Judge Rachel Kovner has ordered that Angel Almeida be hospitalized for four months before she determines whether he has the mental capacity to stand trial for his role in the online Satanic pedophile cult 764.

Almeida was arrested in November 2021 and later slapped with child exploitation and pornography charges, but his case has largely stalled in pre-court proceedings. Details of his 764 activities weren’t made public until records about his case were unsealed late last year.

It appears as if at least some of the delays in Almeida’s case are due to his mental health problems. In fact, Judge Kovner signaled last week that the case might not proceed.

Kovner made her ruling following a May 20 status conference, where Ameida repeatedly interrupted the proceedings.

“The defendant interrupted counsel, made vulgar and threatening statements, and declined to follow the direction to stop interrupting the proceedings. The defendant was removed from the courtroom,” a court report wrote after the status conference.

“With the defendant absent, the Court advised the parties that, based on the record, it was prepared to find the defendant not mentally competent and to commit the defendant to the custody of the Attorney General for treatment.”

Almeida’s judge also said his client has refused to meet with him.

Accordingly, Judge Kovner ordered Almeida to be hospitalized.

“The defendant is committed to the custody of the Attorney General, and it is ordered that the Bureau of Prisons hospitalize the defendant for treatment in a suitable facility for a period not to exceed four months, as is necessary to determine whether there is a substantial probability that in the foreseeable future the defendant will attain the capacity to permit the proceedings to go forward,” she said.

Almeida was initially arrested in November 2021 for being a felon in possession of a firearm. The FBI purportedly found child pornography on Almeida’s electronic devices while searching his home, leading investigators to an apparent Satanic pedophile cult connected to the terrorist group, the Order of the Nine Angles, or O9A.

Pictures on Almeida’s social media accounts allegedly included one of a bloody cat that had apparently been stabbed with a knife, as well as one of an individual standing in front of a Nazi flag with a shirt reading “Kiddie Fiddler” in front of a sign that reads, “I’M ADDICTED TO HARDCORE CHILD PORNOGRAPHY.”

Search warrant applications disclosed that an undercover FBI employee gathered evidence on Almeida.

According to the DOJ, 764 is an offshoot of O9A, representing a “radical shift in [O9A] to specifically target children and use [child porn] and videos depicting animal cruelty, self-harm, and other acts of violence to accelerate chaos in society.”

Ken Silva is a staff writer at Headline USA. Follow him at twitter.com/jd_cashless.

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