Friday, May 31, 2024

Fulton Judge to Consider Dismissal of Fani’s Case Again as Leftist Media Turns

'The prosecution of President Trump is premised on content-based core political speech and expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment...'

(Jacob Bruns, Headline USA) As Fulton County, Georga prosecutor Fani Willis’s credibility crumbles amidst her affair scandal, a Georgia judge is holding a Thursday hearing to consider dismissing the case against former President Donald Trump altogether, Raw Story reported Monday.

Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ordered a March 28 hearing on Monday wherein he will consider dropping the case against Trump and other defendants outright on the ground that their ability to speak freely is protected by the First Amendment.

In the filing that triggered the hearing, Trump attorney Steven Sadaw argued that, even if Trump’s election arguments were false, he still has a constitutional right to make them.

“Here, the indictment’s recitation of supposedly ‘false’ statements and facts, undisputed solely for purposes of a First Amendment-based general demurrer/motion to dismiss, show that the prosecution of President Trump is premised on content-based core political speech and expressive conduct protected by the First Amendment,” Sadow wrote.

According to a Salon report, however, Willis feels that there is nothing to worry about as she and her legal team are still working hard to inconvenience the 2024 Republican candidate as much as possible.

“While that was going on, we were writing responsive briefs, we were still doing the case in a way that it needed to be done. I don’t feel like we’ve been slowed down at all, she noted.

“I do think there are efforts to slow down this train, but the train is coming,” Willis said on Saturday, calling news coverage of her illicit affair “noise.”

“We’re going to continue to do our work,” she added.

Judge McAfee’s handling of the witch hunt case has so far been hit-and-miss. While he has agreed to hear Sadow’s First Amendment argument, he also let Willis off the hook after her affair was uncovered, so long as she fired her lover, Nathan Wade, who resigned in the wake of McAfee’s request.

On the other hand, early this month, McAfee dismissed some of the charges against Trump in the case that accuses the former president of a racketeering conspiracy for his efforts to challenge the 2020 election.

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