Thursday, October 17, 2024

POLL: Majority of Voters Anticipate Cheating in 2024

About one-third of the sample characterized the potential cheating as 'very likely' ...

(Robert Jonathan, Headline USA) A new poll suggests that America expects that hocus-pocus could occur in the 2024 presidential election vote count.

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey revealed that 54% of likely voters in the U.S. “believe that cheating is likely to affect the outcome” in the contest that, for now anyway, is shaping up like a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

That majority reportedly included 46% of Democrats and well as nearly 70% of Republicans.

About one-third of the sample characterized the potential cheating as “very likely.”

Other findings indicated that about the 52% of respondents thought that vote fraud had some impact in the November 2022 midterms, an election in which the GOP underperformed expectations.

And some 56% have concluded that government officials are ignoring voting irregularities.

Aligned with Democrats and some Republicans, much of the corporate media insists that raising legitimate questions about the conduct of the 2020 election — or the 2022 follow-up — is a no-go zone, subject to censorship (at least until recently), unpatriotic, a threat to democracy, or perhaps illegal.

Democrats evinced the opposite view in 2016.

For various reasons, Trump has repeatedly deemed the 2020 election as rigged against him.

Courts rejected any election challenges, however, primarily for procedural reasons.

Apart from the way Big Tech and other entities reportedly affiliated with the so-called Deep State interfered with the information flow, this was an election that featured mail-in ballots handed out like Halloween candy with no chain of custody and often requiring minimal signature checks upon receipt.

Moreover, Democrat operatives were very skillful in both 2020 and 2022 in implementing an effective ballot-harvesting operation.

Perhaps late to the “party,” the Republican Party is reportedly planning on launching aggressive get-out-the-vote campaigns for 2024 that includes voting by mail and (where it is legal) ballot harvesting, rather than just relying, sometimes to its detriment, on the Election Day vote to carry it to victory.

In a recent CNN Town Hall, GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who seems to have staked out the moderate, establishment lane, pointed out that in 2020, mostly blue-state officials changed election laws without obtaining the necessary approval of state legislatures, even if those modifications, according to her, did not affect the outcome.

For the poll conducted in early June, Rasmussen gathered data from about 1,000 likely voters, a cohort which is generally considered more statistically significant than mere registered voters.

The data also suggested that the public is essentially evenly divided between which political party is better for election integrity, although independents gave the nod to Republicans by a margin of 37% to 28%.

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