Thursday, October 17, 2024

Youngkin Delves into National Political Battles, Fuels 2024 Speculation

'Glenn’s race was a blueprint of how to use common sense policies to win the trust of swing voters, and we need to replicate his win... '

(Molly Bruns, Headline USA) Speculation is growing that Virginia Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin may run for president in the 2024 election cycle.

Preparing to compete on the national stage, Youngkin is launching two news groups.

“One is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization called ‘America’s Spirit’ that isn’t required to disclose donors but will have rules in place for how it spends its cash,” according to the Daily Mail.

The other is a traditional political action committee called ‘Spirit of Virginia,’ which Youngkin will presumably be using to garner funds for gubernatorial elections across the country

An advisor to Youngkin’s committee said the governor is setting up to help other Republicans “flip blue states to red.”

“Governor Youngkin started a movement around kitchen table issues in Virginia last year, and that movement has sparked in states around the country—just recall Democrat governors following Governor Youngkin’s lead to remove masks from schools,”Spirit of Virginia and Youngkin senior advisor Kristin Davison said.

“He is excited to grow that movement and keep the momentum going to help others win, especially those who will flip blue states to red, just as he did in Virginia last year.”

Youngkin has not made any announcements regarding a potential run, but expanding his support base would be a natural next step for an aspiring president.

There has also been no clear indication which elections Youngkin intends to get involved with.

A report from Politico states that there are 36 states holding elections for governor this year, and sixteen of those feature Democrat incumbents.

“It’s great to see Gov. Youngkin take action to support Republicans at the national level. Glenn’s race was a blueprint of how to use common sense policies to win the trust of swing voters, and we need to replicate his win,” said Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts in a statement.

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