Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Filmmaker Spike Lee Hysterical: ‘Doomsday’ If Trump Wins

'President Agent Orange will go down in history with the likes of Hitler...'

(Chris Cella Jr., Headline USA) Controversial filmmaker Spike Lee warned MSNBC’s Ari Melber on Monday that a second Trump presidency would lead to a “doomsday” scenario and declared the upcoming election a matter of “life and death.”

The Jungle Fever director was the latest figure trotted out by the Left in a desperate bid to salvage black voters through any means necessary, as even former President Barack Obama acknowledged that the “brothas” were not supporting Vice President Kamala Harris, and some, like comedian Eddie Griffin, have observed Trump’s ability to connect with the minority community long taken for granted by Democrat elites.

As a last resort, they are turning back to the same scaremongering and heated rhetoric that President Joe Biden attempted to use prior to the July 13 assassination attempt against Trump.

Some fear the radical Left may refuse to accept the outcome, even if Trump wins in a landslide, and that they may incite violence similar to the George Floyd riots that were a precursor to the 2020 election.

On Melber’s The Beat, Lee, cited Trump’s recent comments to a Christian group that “In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have fixed it so good, you’re not gonna have to vote.”

Referring to Trump as “Agent Orange,” he claimed Trump would eliminate elections if reelected.

“This guy is saying exactly what he wants to do if he becomes president. He said there should be no more elections,” Lee claimed.

“I don’t know how people can be true Americans and just go along with that path; it would be a doomsday,” he continued. “This could be the most important presidential election in history. It’s not a joke; it’s like life and death.”

Lee also urged black voters “drinking that Trump Kool-Aid,” to vote for  Harris.

Lee is not alone in using alarmist rhetoric.

Earlier this year, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow claimed Trump offered “strongman leadership” and threatened the end of elections.

Many other members of the media and Hollywood elite have expressed feigned moral outrage about another potential Trump presidency.

Lee has repeatedly used his platform to criticize Trump.

In a 2019 Academy Award speech, Lee urged voters to choose “love versus hate.”

In 2021, Lee asserted that “President Agent Orange will go down in history with the likes of Hitler.”

Lee is not the first member of the Hollywood elite to compare Trump to Hiter, and in all likelihood, he won’t be the last.

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