The $3.5 trillion spending resolution modeled on the Green New Deal—which Congressional Democrats hope to pass without Republican support—needs the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package to achieve its full effect, Breitbart reported.
The 18 Republican senators who voted to advance the bipartisan infrastructure bill argue that its passage remains separate from the partisan bill and does not aid the Democratic agenda.
Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., said the two bills are “totally separate.”
Text from the $3.5 trillion spending bill proves that the center-straddling Republicans are playing into the Democratic Party’s hand.
Section 4,010 of the partisan budget resolution authorizes House Budget Committee Chairman John Yarmuth, D-Ky., to alter the bipartisan bill after its passage.
Yarmuth or any other Budget Committee chair “may adjust the allocations, aggregates, and other budgetary levels included in this concurrent resolution to reflect changes resulting from the enactment of an infrastructure bill or joint resolution, including legislation implementing the INVEST in America Act or a bipartisan infrastructure agreement.”
The bipartisan bill will free more money up for the Democrats to spend on their anti-scientific environmental agenda that benefits international corporations at the American taxpayer’s expense.
Conservative Republican senators announced their opposition to the legislation in a joint statement, calling the bipartisan package the “first step” in a $5.5 trillion “tax-and-spend liberal wish list.”
The Family Research Council showed that the so-called infrastructure bill funds the Left’s “radical agenda on marriage and sexuality” by including the Digital Equity Act, which turns sexual orientation and gender identity into protected classes on the same ground as race and religion.
FRC argues that the bipartisan infrastructure bill passes the radical Equality Act through a backdoor, all while earning the “bipartisan” label from ignorant or complicit Republicans.
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., noted the bill’s two-fold economic and cultural assault on Americans.
.@FRCdc announces its opposition to the Biden-backed tax & spend infrastructure bill. Not only will it hurt working class families with higher inflation, higher costs and – inevitably – higher taxes, it also furthers the Left’s radical social agenda
— Josh Hawley (@HawleyMO) August 3, 2021