Sunday, October 27, 2024

Nadler Claims Not Masking Toddlers During Pandemic Was ‘Child Abuse,’ Defends Vax Mandates

'I'm tempted to yield the rest of my time to the gentleman from New York because he's basically making the case for me more effectively than I can...'

(Headline USA) Flouting scientific evidence to the contrary, Rep. Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., defended child mask mandates this week and claimed that it would have been akin to “child abuse” not to force toddlers to wear masks during the pandemic.

“When we have a pandemic, like [the] COVID-19 pandemic that we had, 2-year-olds should have been required to wear masks,” Nadler said on the House floor on Wednesday.

“It would be child abuse for parents not to do that because there was no vaccination available for 2-year-olds,” he added. “The only want to protect them against COVID was to have them wear masks.”

The Democrat went on to defend vaccine mandates. “We have to vaccinate people to prevent diseases and pandemics,” he insisted.

Nadler made the comments during a debate with Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, over an amendment on vaccine mandates included in the REINS Act, a bill that would increase congressional oversight over the federal bureaucracy. The amendment would require federal agencies to submit any rule likely to result in mandatory vaccinations to Congress for approval.

“I’m tempted to yield the rest of my time to the gentleman from New York because he’s basically making the case for me more effectively than I can,” Roy said after Nadler’s comments.

“I want everybody in America to understand what they just heard from the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee in the United States House of Representatives,” Roy said.

“Your 2-year-old should be forced to be masked. That is what the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee just said here on the floor of the House of Representatives,” he continued. “That the power of the government, the full power of the federal government, should be a part of ensuring and enforcing your children, your 2-year-old child to be masked.”

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