Friday, July 26, 2024

Dems Show Hypocrisy in Hiring Special Woman Investigator of Ellison

‘This strikes me as taking chickens**t behavior to a whole new level….’

DNC Chair Ellison Attended Private Dinner w. Iran’s President and Farrakhan
Keith Ellison/Photo by Karen Smith Murphy (CC)

(Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Democrats on Tuesday tried to lambast Senate Republicans for a decision to have a female prosecutor interrogate Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and assault accuser Christine Blasey Ford.

But in doing so, they once again showed little self-awareness, given the fact that a similar move to outsource to an external female investigator was taken in the case of Keith Ellison, current deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, over whether he physically assaulted former partner Karen Monahan.

With Congressional testimony scheduled for tomorrow in the Kavanaugh hearing, both sides are angling to present themselves in the best light.

Ford’s lawyers have issued an unprecedented list of demands to the Senate Judiciary Committee, including which type of cameras and what media outlets should be allowed into the room, the location of the hearing and size of the room, and the sequence of testimony. (As employment attorney Adam Mill noted on The Federalist, some of these demands should be considered red flags.)

The GOP Senators on the panel, meanwhile, wary of the optics since the last time Democrats attempted to torpedo a Supreme Court nominee with specious rape accusations, announced that they would designate female prosecutor Rachel Mitchell, sex crimes bureau chief for the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office in Phoenix, Arizona, to lead the interrogation.

One might expect the Democrats to applaud such a move, allowing Ford the opportunity to tell her harrowing tale of nearly having her clothes removed to a member of the same gender, but predictably, since it ran counter to the Left’s true objective, they invoked Alinsky rule No. 5 by dispatching radical leftist entertainment personalities like Sarah Silverman and Stephen King to mock the move in profanity-laced tweets.

Silverman referred to the Judiciary Panel as a “[expletive] geriatric tone deaf sausage party.”

King said, “This strikes me as taking ‘chicken[expletive] behavior’ to a whole new level.”

Once considered to be a journalist, HBO’s Soledad O’Brien at least was able to temper the language in her caustic commentary enough to make it printable:

Bizarrely, while the Left ridiculed the GOP overture, it did the very same thing in its investigation of Rep. Keith  Ellison, D-Minnesota, who has taken heat for accusations that he physically abused ex-girlfriend Karen Monahan.

Keith Ellison's Accuser Calls Out DNC for Not Believing Her
Karen Monahan/IMAGE: CBS News via Youtube

Those accusations, which the national DNC punted to its state branch in Minnesota to investigate, have given conservatives their latest fodder to point to the Left’s hypocrisy and disingenuous approach to women’s issues. Monahan, unlike Kavanaugh’s accusers, has provided medical records and firsthand witness accounts to corroborate her allegations.

Ellison is currently locked in a race with Republican Doug Wardlow to be elected Minnesota attorney general.

According to an Associated Press report, after Ellison won his primary battle in August, Ken Martin, chairman of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party, decided to hire an external investigator to be sure “that it wouldn’t be colored by people with associations with the party” (i.e., so Democrats wouldn’t have to get their hands dirty by either backing or repudiating Ellison).

They went with Susan Ellingstad, a partner with the same law firm as their official DFL party attorney, Charlie Nauen. Interestingly, one of the other cases Nauen represented for the firm was the recount that reversed the 2008 election results in favor of disgraced Sen. Al Franken, who himself was later forced to resign amid MeToo groping allegations.

While Democrats in Congress have made clear their desire for a protracted investigation that would forestall the Kavanaugh confirmation vote until after the Nov. 6 midterm elections (when they hope to regain control of Congress), Martin seemed eager to rush into a conclusion of the Ellison investigation and was pressing for a final report, the AP said.

“I’m starting to get a little frustrated because it’s been a long time now, almost two months,” he said. “I hope soon. I hope any day here.”

A poll of 800 Minnesota voters in early September had Ellison with a 5-point edge over Wardlow, though 18 percent remained undecided and neither candidate had a majority. A nearly equal split sided with Ellison and with Monahan, though a whopping 57 percent remained unsure about the investigation.

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