Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Dems Trying to Persuade Elderly Trump Backers to Split GOP Ticket in Swing Districts

'... Democrats made a deliberate decision to target people who can be easily defrauded and manipulated...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) It was recently reported that, to split Republicans, a group of leftist consulting firms is responsible for starting a shadowy political operation that has deceived many Donald Trump-supporting old and disabled people into running as third-party candidates in crucial Congressional swing districts.

According to the National File, the Patriots Run Project, the group behind this operation, has ties to firms such as Nevada-based Sole Strategies, Common Sense America, and Patinkin Research. Notably, all these firms have strong affiliations with Democratic Party campaigns and candidates.

As reported, the Patriots Run Project has been remarkably successful in its recruitment efforts. The leftists from this group have managed to persuade a significant number of old and disabled Trump supporters to run in congressional races across several states, including Iowa and Virginia. This has sometimes hindered the Democrats’ efforts to get their candidates on the ballot.

The most concerning part about the recent news was the fact that the Patriots Run Project recruited people mainly through social media who were almost always old people, disabled people or both, which means that the Democrats made a deliberate decision to target people who can be easily defrauded and manipulated.

While recruiting third-party candidates is not inherently illegal, the Patriots Run Project’s operation raises serious legal concerns. The group, which does not appear to be a registered business entity or have nonprofit status with the IRS and is a Political Action Committee (PAC) with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), may have violated state and federal election laws.

According to the news source, the organization provided paid signature gatherers for the congressional candidates it recruited to split the Republican Party. Patriots Run Project operatives who used fake names would also pick up the candidates and drive them to local election offices to file their candidacy paperwork.

As expected, a candidate recruit also told the File that one of these operatives tried to avoid appearing on government security cameras and made sure other people could not take a photo of them.

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