Wednesday, March 5, 2025


NFL Player to Keep Kneeling in Protest for Upcoming Season

'We’ve got to keep fighting. Got to keep agitating...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) With the NFL season just a month away, the controversy over players kneeling during the national anthem will return for its fourth season---if Carolina Panthers safety Eric Reid has any say. Sports Illustrated reported that Reid would continue his...

ESPN Caves on Trump-Bashing Radio Host Dan Le Batard’s ‘No Politics’ Violation

'Not surprisingly, some commentators just aren’t able to abide by such a mandate...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) ESPN, the virtue-signaling one-time sports network run by the far-left Disney corporation, has again capitulated to one of its Trump-bashing on-air personalities, despite extensive market research telling them to steer clear of politics. The...

Chris Wallace Shuts Down Colbert’s Efforts to Shift Goal Posts on Mueller Hearing

'Instead of breathing life into the report, he sucked the life out of the report...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In the wake of former special counsel Robert Mueller's widely panned congressional hearings on Wednesday, many saw his testimony as 'frail' and damaging to partisan Democrats' impeachment efforts. Still, some on the...

Mueller’s Fumbling House Testimony Undermines Case for Obstruction

'There is no way Mueller ran this thing!' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) As expected, former special counsel Robert Mueller began his day of testimony before two House committees with a lot of responses that he "can't get into that." But as he appeared to fumble his way through interrogation, some wondered...

Sportscaster Ignores ESPN’s ‘No Politics’ Rule to Vent on Trump Tweets

'We’ve done a lot of research in this area, and our fans have told us that this is not why they tune into ESPN...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) It may be news to many that, in the wake of its controversy surrounding former correspondent Jemele Hill, sports network ESPN had...

KAMALA HARRIS: Trump a ‘Predator’; AOC’s Squad ‘Desperate in Need of Help’

'The thing about them is, by their very nature and character and instinct they prey on the vulnerable...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Despite claiming she would be a unifying force as president, Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., simultaneously launched an ad hominem attack on the current president while managing a backhanded...

MSNBC/RINO Bush/McCain Staffer Nicolle Wallace Criticizes ‘Racist’ Tweets

'We might get it wrong sometimes, but whatever that gut reaction to him is, in this instance, it is textbook racism...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Resident RINO Nicolle Wallace on Tuesday gave her NBC network bosses what they desperately sought---a NeverTrump critic from the Right to repudiate President Donald Trump's...

9th Circuit Lets DOJ Withhold Funds for Sanctuary Cities

'Cooperation relating to enforcement of federal immigration law is in pursuit of the general welfare, and meets the low bar of being germane to the federal interest...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) A federal appeals court in California overturned the lower court's injunction that said officials could not withhold funds to...

Bloomberg Scheme Embeds Agents in State AG Offices to Sue Over Climate Change

'There is no limiting principle on partisan appropriation of public legal offices other than that the donor and the cause be acceptable in certain polite circles...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Public records requests have revealed the extent to which former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is corruptly using state attorneys...

Rumors Swirl over Trump’s Plans for Citizenship Question

'The court actually invited Trump to take it at its word and to try to put the question back on again...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) President Donald Trump planned a news conference Thursday afternoon to address the citizenship question that he hoped to add to the 2020 census---over the objections...

Congressmen Expose Obama’s Shady Land Grab & Trump Smear

'I just wanted a fair process based on science that told us the truth. That is not how this feels...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The GOP-led Congressional Western Caucus hoped to shed light on Democrats' corrupt effort to ruin a Minnesota mining company and then smear the Trump administration for...

Left-Wing Media Goes Easy on Serial Drug-Abuser Hunter Biden’s ‘Mental Health’ Struggles

'We know that most American families are dealing with some sort of struggle like we are...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) The mainstream media's kid-glove treatment of serial drug-abuser Hunter Biden, son of former Vice President Joe Biden, revealed yet another double-standard in its long history of biased coverage. Much like the...
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