Tuesday, October 22, 2024


Flynn’s Attorney Demands Answers after Bizarre Twitter Suspension

'Your abuse of conservative and #patriotic free speech knows no bounds...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) In a devious move worthy of the Obamagate conspirators themselves, Sidney Powell, the attorney for former national security adviser Michael Flynn revealed that Twitter had suspended her account for what it claimed was "unusual activity." @TwitterComms: The...

Oklahoma City Prosecutors Charge Violent Protesters w/ Terrorism: ‘This is Not Seattle’

'We’re not putting up with this lawlessness here...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) Oklahoma City prosecutors are charging three violent protesters with terrorism, vowing not to let “lawlessness” and “wanton destruction” destroy their city like it has in Seattle and Minneapolis. Isael Antonio Ortiz, Eric Christopher Ruffin and Malachai Davis have all...

Climate Activist Recants His Alarmism, Then is Victimized by Cancel Culture

'I remained quiet about the climate disinformation campaign because I was afraid of losing friends and funding...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) After an opinion piece it published Sunday drew the wrath of militant eco-warriors, Forbes appeared to have doubled back on it only a day later, pulling from its online platform...

Minneapolis Neighborhood that Rejected Police Now Overrun w/ Crime, Homelessness

'I know my neighbors are around, but I'm not feeling grounded in my city at all. Anything could happen...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A Minneapolis neighborhood decided to “check its privilege” after the death of George Floyd and and vowed not to call or rely on law enforcement again. Now, the...

Planned Parenthood Sues Church for Being Loud, But Police Find No Violations

'The Church at Planned Parenthood is NOT a protest. It’s a worship service at the gates of Hell...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Planned Parenthood on Tuesday sued a Christian church that meets outside a Spokane abortion facility for being too loud, but the police said worshippers have not violated any state...

Minn. AG Keith Ellison Targets Energy Cos. w/ ‘Climate Fraud’ Lawsuit

'This lawsuit is part of a coordinated, politically motivated campaign against energy companies...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) If at first you don’t succeed, sue and sue again. That seems to be the motto of “blue state” leaders looking to achieve Big Tobacco-like settlements against oil companies. But Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison is...

Omaha Mayor Probes BLM Protests After Harassment, Extortion Force Restaurant to Close

'The verbal abuse, taunting and having to be escorted ... for two straight days was more than we could watch...' (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) The mayor of Omaha, Nebraska is launching an investigation into the Black Lives Matter protests after protesters harassed a local restaurant, forcing it shut down. The 11-Worth...

UN Sec. General, Al Gore, Top CEOs Call for ‘Great Reset’ of Capitalism

'The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Lost in the whirlwind of the Wuhan virus, violent race riots and desecrated historic monuments across Democrat-controlled cities was the call for...

New Report Outlines Chinese Infiltration of U.S. Universities

'These investigations almost seem to be a shooting-fish-in-a-barrel exercise...' (Michael Barnes, Liberty Headlines) Several months ago, Charles Lieber was arrested and indicted for allegedly spying for the Chinese government. Lieber, 60, was a longtime Harvard professor and chair of the prestigious Harvard Chemistry and Biology Department. Unbeknownst to the U.S. government, he...

REPORT: Biden Cancer Org. Gave Millions to Top Execs, Little to Actual Research

Funding for defunct initiative came from 57 'partnerships' with drug and health-insurance industries... (Claire Russel, Liberty Headlines) A nonprofit established by presidential candidate Joe Biden has given millions of dollars to its top executives, but very little money toward actual cancer research, according to a report by the Washington Free...

Soccer Team Drops National Anthem; Will Play Communist's Song Instead

'It represents a future Tulsa Athletic is committed to striving for...' (Joshua Paladino, Liberty Headlines) Tulsa Athletic, a semi-pro soccer team, said Wednesday that they will stop singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" before games and instead play "This Land is Your Land." Tulsa Athletic, a part of the National Premier Soccer League, said...

PROJECT VERITAS: Second Whistleblower Reveals Facebook’s Culture of Radical Leftism

'A bunch of s***tty f***ing rednecks threatening civil war if they remove our duly elected president... Trump supporters are f*cking crazy-*ss *ssholes...' (Ben Sellers, Liberty Headlines) Two days after Facebook whistleblower Zach McElroy exposed the rampant bias within the social-media giant's content-moderation warehouses, a second whistleblower has come forward, adding...
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