Sunday, September 29, 2024


China Mocks Apologist Biden as ‘Powerless’

A state-run newspaper in China called President Joe Biden "powerless" after he profusely apologized to other participants in the COP26 climate summit, the Daily Mail reported. On the opening day of the conference, Biden apologized for the actions of former President Donald Trump, suggesting that America has fallen behind the world in...

Possible Election Fraud Under Investigation in NJ; Votes from 56 Districts Not Counted

A possible case of election malfeasance is under investigation in New Jersey, where 56 voting machines in Essex County were shut down without the votes being counted during a pivotal and tight race for governor where Republican Jack Ciattarelli challenged the Democrat incumbent, reported News 12. Essex County Clerk Christopher...

Democrats Running Away from Challenge to Florida Gov. DeSantis

Democrats have backed off in Florida, effectively ceding the state to popular Gov. Ron DeSantis, Politico reported. The Democrat Governors Association (DGA), a major financial establishment which hands out millions to Democratic governor candidates across the country, has no plans to substantially aid candidates in Florida, effectively handing the state...

SELLERS: Remember, Remember the 5th of November (2024)

Tuesday marked a new renaissance for Republicans and the first step in America's emergence from some of its darkest hours. In my native state of Virginia (which I am now proud to reacknowledge), Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin overcame the margin of fraud and led a GOP sweep to reclaim the commonwealth...

Is a Powerful Kenosha Family Colluding w/ Govt. against Kyle Rittenhouse?

Jack Posobiec, senior editor at Human Events, reported via Twitter that at least two major Kenosha, Wisconsin, government figures involved in the events that form the background of the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse are from the same family. Posobiec tweets that "the mayor who let Kenosha burn, the DA, and the...

Shameless Dems Push Tax Loopholes for Blue-State Elites in $4T Spending Package

Democrats are all for soaking the rich to pay for radical and leftist agendas and policies; unless, of course, it’s rich Democrats who are getting soaked. That becomes a different story entirely, as evidenced by House Democrat’s latest scheme to expand the SALT cap, essentially providing a massive tax break...

Judicial Watch: FBI, Banks Colluding to Violate Privacy Rights of J6 Protestors

Judicial Watch has responded to an effort by the Department of Justice to quash its inquiry into the alleged illegal transfer of American citizens' bank records from banking institutions to the FBI as part of the latter's investigation into the events of Jan. 6, 2021. In its Memorandum of Points...

Biden’s Vax Mandate Imposes Masks on Unvaccinated as ‘Punishment’

The Biden administration's vaccine mandate contains a provision that requires the unvaccinated to wear masks at all times when indoors or when driving inside a vehicle with a co-worker for work-related purposes, Summit News reported. Phil Kerpen, the president of American Commitment and the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, wrote on...

New Jersey Poll Workers Gave Ballot to Unregistered Non-Citizen

Election workers in Essex County, New Jersey allowed an unregistered voter who was not an American citizen to "fill out completely a ballot," Project Veritas reported. Project Veritas sent an undercover voter, who admitted to being unregistered to vote and a non-citizen, to an Essex County polling location to determine...

Rittenhouse Trial: Someone Else Fired First; 1st Shooting ‘Victim’ Tried to Ambush Him

(Headline USA) Two and a half seconds before Kyle Rittenhouse began shooting in the streets of Kenosha, someone in the crowd fired a shot into the air, a detective testified at Rittenhouse's murder trial Thursday. The defense has said that that shot made Rittenhouse think he was under attack. Rittenhouse, 18,...

AOC Claims McAuliffe Campaign ‘Not Progressive Enough’

New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez posted a reaction to fellow Democrat Terry McAuliffe's loss in Virginia on Instagram, claiming his campaign was not progressive enough. https://rumble.com/embed/vm3hdv/?pub=4 “Honestly, if anything, I think that the results show the limits of trying to run a fully, 100 percent, super moderated campaign that does not...

Judge in Rittenhouse Trial Blasts CNN’s Jeffrey Toobin for Spreading Fake News

The judge presiding over the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, the 18-year-old accused of shooting and killing two rioters last year in Kenosha, Wisconsin, blasted the media, specifically CNN’s chief legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin, for spreading misinformation about the case. Kenosha County Circuit Court Judge Bruce Schroeder warned that the media’s...
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