Wednesday, June 26, 2024


From Doughnuts to Wine: Businesses Prep for Eclipse-Themed Tourism

(Headline USA) Eclipse-themed beer. Jewelry and ornaments. And doughnuts that capture the sun's disappearing act with the help of buttercream frosting. With April 8's total solar eclipse right around the corner, businesses are ready for the celestial event that will dim skies along a generous path across North America. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7rpUg8NkM0 There are oodles of special eclipse safety glasses...

Brett Kavanaugh Accuser Admits Being ‘Naive’ After Dems Exposed Her Identity

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, known for her accusations against then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his Supreme Court confirmation hearings in 2018, said she was “naive” when she testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee.  “Maybe I was naive for sure about the consequences and how bad it would be...

Comer: ‘Criminal Referrals’ Imminent if Hunter Skips Hearing

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., stated Sunday that criminal referrals could be imminent if Hunter Biden fails to attend a March 20 public hearing that aims at clarifying the inconsistent narratives regarding President Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in an influence-peddling scheme.  Comer’s mention of potential...

Hezbollah Member Caught at Border: Admits Intent to ‘Make a Bomb’

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) U.S. border authorities apprehended a Hezbollah member after he confessed to attempting to enter the country with the intention of making "a bomb." Basel Bassel Ebbadi, a Lebanese national and self-professed member of the extremist organization Hezbollah, was intercepted on March 9 in Texas. Upon being apprehended,...

Biden Wearing Special Shoes for ‘Stability’ Amid Age Concerns

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's latest choice in footwear has ignited a flurry of commentary on social media, raising fresh questions about his health ahead of the 2024 presidential election.  Biden was spotted three weeks ago wearing Hoka shoes, known for their enhanced cushioning and stability, as reported by Fox...

Federal Government Paying Rural Hospitals to Close Overnight Services

(Headline USA) As rural hospitals continue to struggle financially, a new type of hospital is slowly taking root, especially in the Southeast. Rural emergency hospitals receive more than $3 million in federal funding a year and higher Medicare reimbursements in exchange for closing all inpatient beds and providing 24/7 emergency...

Report: Billions in Subsidies go to Polluting Pennsylvania Plant

(Anthony Hennen, The Center Square) – Though state governments promise all sorts of benefits when they offer tax breaks to a factory, the financial help rarely gets revoked if environmental rules get violated. A new report from the Environmental Integrity Project found that, among 50 plastics plants built or expanded in...

Teacher Unions Backing Downstate Republicans ‘Very Rare,’ says Researcher

(Catrina Petersen, The Center Square) – Teachers unions have donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to certain Republican candidates’ state legislative primary campaigns, a national trend that can be seen in incumbent state Rep. Adam Niemerg, R-Dieterich, and primary challenger Jim Acklin’s race for the 102nd Illinois House seat. Acklin...

Analysts: Policymakers Must Confront Weaponized Migration to Address Border Crisis

(Bethany Blankley, The Center Square) – Unless Congress and policymakers understand how weaponized migration is being used against the U.S., they won’t be able to solve the problem, foreign policy analysts warn. More than 11 million illegal immigrants entering the U.S. from all over the world is not an accident,...

Realtors Group Ends Commission Model; Biggest ‘Jolt’ in 100 Years

(Tom Gantert, The Center Square) - The National Association of REALTORS announced Friday an agreement where it will end the 6% commission that is routine in home sales. In the settlement with homeowners, the association will pay $418 million in damages and end litigation on the matter. Experts say that Americans...

Sick: Harris’s Stepdaughter Caught Fundraising for Gazan Group… Again

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) Ella Emhoff, the daughter of Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, was caught fundraising for a Gaza-based United Nations group allegedly involved in the Hamas terror attack on Oct. 7.  In a now-deleted post on her Instagram account, Emhoff, whose stepmother is Vice President Kamala Harris, shared a fundraising...

NYFD Boss Heckled During St. Patrick’s Parade for Targeting Pro-Trump Firefighters

(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A fired-up group of pro-Trump demonstrators scolded Laura Kavanagh, the commissioner of the New York City Fire Department, during the St. Patrick's Day parade in New York City on Saturday. The incident comes amid widespread scrutiny of Kavanagh and the NYFD following an investigation into newly promoted...
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