Saturday, September 21, 2024


Democrats Hardly Mention Supreme Court at Convention

(Headline USA) The future of the Supreme Court is on the line, though it would be hard to tell from the Democratic National Convention that just concluded. There was a fleeting glimpse of a younger Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a brief reference to the court by Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer...

Democrats Cry ‘Racism!’ in Mispronunciation of Kamala’s Name after Mocking Pence

(Headline USA) In a cringeworthy segment during the final night of the Democratic National Convention, actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus and former presidential candidate Andrew Yang awkwardly mispronounced the last name of Vice President Mike Pence. Was it "Mika Pints?" or "Paints?" Or maybe "Ponce," Yang said. "Oh, some kind of weird foreign...

MURDOCK: The ‘Soft Bigotry’ of Dems’ Mail-In Ballot Scam

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) When the U.S. Civil Rights Commission meets on Friday, it will welcome its newest member. J. Christian Adams is a Justice Department veteran and seasoned ballot-integrity litigant and activist. President Donald J. Trump wisely named Adams to the commission, to guide it toward sensible work and restrain...

Ex-CIA Chief Brennan Faces Interview in Durham’s Russia Probe

(Headline USA) Former CIA Director John Brennan is scheduled to be interviewed Friday by U.S. Attorney John Durham's team as part of its inquiry into the investigators and intelligence officials behind the 2016 Russia election interference probe, according to people familiar with the matter. Brennan led the CIA under the...

Nevada’s Mail-In Ballot Scam Puts ‘Ballot Harvesting’ Back in Spotlight

(Headline USA) As President Donald Trump's reelection campaign challenged Nevada's new voting law in court, the president and Republicans argued the rules would facilitate fraud and illegal voting. Chief among their criticisms was a provision allowing “ballot harvesting." The Nevada lawsuit highlighted a practice that has long fueled Republicans' suspicions about...

Trump Says Democrats’ Convention was ‘Gloomiest’ in History

(Headline USA) President Donald Trump said Friday that where Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden sees “American darkness," he sees “American greatness.” Anxious for his turn in the spotlight after the four-day Democratic National Convention, Trump is hitting his opponent hard. “Over the last week, the Democrats held the darkest and angriest and...

Postmaster General: USPS Ready for Election; Calls Dems’ Conspiracy Theories ‘Outrageous’

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, who now finds himself at the center of the media mob's latest manic episode, testified for the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee on Friday. In response to Democratic questioning, DeJoy said the conspiracy theory that he is engaged with President Donald Trump in efforts...

Pence Previews RNC as Media Obsesses Over QAnon ‘Support’ for Trump

(Headline USA) Previewing themes for next week's Republican Party convention in a series of media appearances, Vice President Mike Pence promised a heavy focus on GOP support for law and order as he drew a contrast with Democrats for a “negative” tone at their gathering and failure to acknowledge violence plaguing...

RUSH LIMBAUGH: Election-Losing Issues the Democrats DIDN’T Mention at the DNC

On Thursday, the most popular radio talk show host in America marveled at the number of topics and issues that participants in the Democratic National Convention ignored over the past four days --- some that average Americans might think Democrats would be proud of. But they were mentioned little,...

Dems Livid That Bloomberg is Allowed to Speak at DNC After He Shafted Staffers

Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez fended off criticism for the inclusion of Michael Bloomberg at the Democratic National Convention and the suggestion that it undermined the DNC's message of equality for all. Michael Bloomberg’s net worth is over $54,900,000,000. Michael Bloomberg told his campaign staff he would pay salaries through...

AT THE DNC: Remember When Julia Louis-Dreyfus Used to be Funny?

(Headline USA) The star of “Veep” brought what was supposed to be some comic relief --- apparently --- to her role at the Democrats' virtual convention. Actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the celebrity host for the convention's final night Thursday, took some pointed shots at President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence ---...

Biden Caps Off Historically Dull Convention w/ Canned Speech

Former Vice President Joe Biden, the Democrats' nominee for president, capped off four nights of tedium in unremarkable form in a speech that drew largely from his prior stumps with false claims, debunked conspiracy theories and disingenuous promises. Content aside, however, the speech came off largely as a success due...
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