Sunday, September 22, 2024


After Creating Border Crisis, Biden Admin to ‘Repair,’ Clean Parts of Border Wall

The Biden administration announced this week that it will complete some of the gaps left in former President Donald Trump’s border wall and clean up the areas where construction on the wall was halted. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that he had granted U.S. Customs and Border...

Michigan Rally Demands Forensic Audit of 2020 Election

Michiganders who want a forensic audit to investigate fraud in the state's 2020 election results held a rally this week outside the State Capitol in Lansing. Republican activists still seeking a "forensic audit" of Michigan's 2020 election are rallying at the state Capitol today and will deliver their proposed language...

Biden Promises to Give Away 500M COVID Tests, Says Vaccines Are Patriotic

Two weeks ago, the Biden administration scoffingly dismissed the notion of distributing free COVID testing kits as the highly contagious, yet less severe, Omicron variant swept across the country. President Joe Biden, in a floundering performance during an address Tuesday that was supposed to demonstrate his grasp on handling the...

GOP Leaders Suggest Dems Considering Party Change as Biden Sinks

Calling the Democrat party a “socialist” party, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., speculated that some Democrats besides Joe Manchin are thinking about switching to Republican out of a sense of self-preservation, according to an interview with Brian Kilmeade on Fox. Last week, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky.,  suggested...

Alex Jones Sues J6 Committee as Video Shows Him Opposing Agitators

Alex Jones, the conservative firebrand, has filed a lawsuit against the House January 6 Committee even as video evidence shows that Jones “tried to prevent patriots from entering the Capitol,” says Jones’ Infowars site. Video from Fox News host Tucker Carlson on the InfoWars site shows Jones pleading with protesters...

SCHWEIZER: Manchin Steadfastly Resisted Democrat Attempts to Buy His Vote

Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, praised Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., for his refusal to go along with a scheme that would have rewarded Manchin’s wife with a $163,000 job that controlled $300 million in federal funding if Manchin had helped pass the Biden Build Back Better program, reported...

Another Vulnerable House Democrat Jumps Ship, Abandons 2022 Reelection Bid

(Headline USA) Rep. Stephanie Murphy, D-Fla., has announced she will not seek reelection next year. I've decided not to seek another term in Congress. Serving Central Florida has been the honor of my life, but it's also been incredibly challenging for my family and me. This was not an easy decision,...

Pentagon Unveils Plan to Indoctrinate Troops, Weaponize Military Against MAGA

(Headline USA) Warning that "extremism" in the ranks is increasing, Pentagon officials issued detailed new rules Monday prohibiting service members from actively engaging in so-called extremist activities. The move puts it on par with the radical, politicized Justice Department, which already has sought to play semantic games by re-labeling reasonable...

Boston’s Tyranical New Mayor Imposes Vax Passports, Urges Citizens to Snitch

(Gregg Pupecki, Headline USA) Recently-elected Boston Mayor Michelle Wu, as one of her first acts in office, announced orders cracking down on citizens and not the virus. As many in the audienced heckled, Wu announced that the unvaccinated would not be allowed into museums, movie theaters, convention centers, fitness centers,...

Famed Election Forecaster Projects Republican Majorities after Midterms

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Following the recent lead of the Cook Political Report, famed political forecaster and media pundit Larry Sabato's Center for Politics released updated ratings that showed Republicans making significant gains in next year's midterm elections. According to the Center, which is based at the University of Virginia,...

‘BULLS***’: Leftists Attack Manchin After He Nukes Their Agenda

Congressional leftists attacked Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., this weekend, accusing him of betraying his own constituents, after he announced that he would not support President Joe Biden’s massive $2 trillion spending bill. Manchin said he could not bring himself to support the Build Back Better bill because of its enormous...

Republicans Suing Pelosi over House’s Unconstitutional Mask Mandates

Rep. Thomas Massie, R-Ky., and other Republicans have announced that they will sue House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., over her Congressional mask mandates, the Conservative Brief reported. In an appearance on Fox, Massie pointed to Pelosi's love of creating rules that don't apply to herself. “Nancy Pelosi is not just a...
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