Friday, June 21, 2024


COMMENT: Con-Artist Andrew Tate Infiltrates Conservative Movement

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Andrew Tate---an accused human trafficker, scammer and pedophile, among many other things---has been as able to convince many famous conservative personalities that he is on their side by creating a fake persona of himself as a fighter against the globalist regime. Marketing himself as the public...

MURDOCK: Boot the Illegals, Beckon the H-1Bs

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Last month, I met a recent Ivy League graduate who devotes his computer-science skills to a Silicon Valley enterprise. He is bright, creative, and speaks perfect English with just a splash of a British accent. He wants nothing more than to thrive in the tech sector and,...

HUYLER: Afraid of Imminent Economic Collapse? It’s Runaway Public Spending, ‘Stupid’

(Jerome Huyler, Headline USA contributor) American capitalism has had its ups and downs, as in the country's long succession of boom-and-bust business cycles. Periods of robust economic growth were interrupted by devastating financial panics that struck suddenly in 1792, 1819, 1837, 1857, 1873, 1893 and 2007. And then came the...

SELLERS: Wherefore Whataboutism? 10 ‘Crimes’ Dems Skated On, Then Charged Enemies With

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) The DNC spin machine known as the mainstream media was in overdrive last weekend churning out a carefully crafted and delicately nuanced message that offered unique insight into their current mindset of evasion and deflection.  Few pundits could credibly feign shock over the latest politically charged...

Joe Biden’s DOJ: Where Justice Goes to Die

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) The Department of Justice should be honest and call itself Biden Campaign Headquarters. As a fearsome whiff of East Germany wafts through its windows, this Cabinet agency persecutes Donald J. Trump, the president’s chief political rival, and keeps the heat off of the Bidens. Regardless,...

Opinion: Vivek Ramaswamy is Correct to Question 9/11

(Ken Silva, Headline USA) The Wall Street Journal published an editorial this week, criticizing Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy for questioning the 9/11 Commission’s account of what happened on Sept. 11, 2001. In doing so, the WSJ editorial board displayed its own ignorance of the 9/11 Commission’s shortcomings—some of which have...

COMMENT: It’s Year 5 of the Biden Crime Family Coverup

(By Frank Miele, RealClear Wire) A truism that came out of the Watergate scandal is that often the coverup is worse than the crime. But that is not the case in the unraveling Bidengate scandal. The alleged crime here is so bad that it is probably the worst ever...

Why FDR Banned the Sale of Sliced Bread During World War II

(By Lawrence W. Reed, FEE) According to an old joke from the socialist and frequently underfed Soviet Union, Stalin goes to a local wheat farm to see how things are going. “We have so many bags of wheat that, if piled on top of each other, they could reach...

GRACIA: South Texas a Missed Opportunity for Genuine Hispanic Engagement

(Bianca Gracia, Headline USA contributor) In the political landscape of South Texas, a promising opportunity has been missed. This region's vibrant Hispanic community played a pivotal role in the 2016 and 2020 elections, thanks to the diligent work of Latinos for Trump. Our engagement efforts then were not merely to garner...

GRACIA: The Urgency of Accountability and Action in Defending Our Borders

(Bianca Gracia, Headline USA contributor) Our nation is founded on the rule of law and the preservation of American sovereignty---values that are currently being threatened by the administration's approach to border security and immigration enforcement. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appears to be sidestepping these foundational principles, undermining the integrity of...

GLEASON: Will Fed’s New Digital Payment System Pave Way for Social Engineering?

(Stefan Gleason, Money Metals Exchange) Last week, the Federal Reserve launched a new payment processing system dubbed "FedNow." Officials say FedNow will allow individuals and businesses to initiate instant funds transfers between banks. Critics warn that FedNow could be a prelude to central bank digital currency (CBDC) that threatens financial privacy...

SELLERS: The Ukraine ‘MacGuffin,’ or 6 Reasons We May Be Risking WW3

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Republican lawmakers' methodical, jigsaw-like piecing together of the many components in the Biden family corruption scandal can sometimes feel like Chinese water torture. Last week, for example, there were at least two major disclosures from Congress that, due to previous leaks and investigations, may have seemed...
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