Saturday, September 28, 2024


MAHARREY: The Recent Gold and Silver Rally Was Just the Beginning

(Mike Maharrey, Money Metals News Service) Gold just had quite a bull run, setting a new all-time high along the way. But Money Metals’ Midweek Memo host Mike Maharrey says this is just the opening act. If you enjoyed that, you’re really going to like the feature. In this episode,...

MURDOCK: Dems Distract from Open Border by Making ‘Illegal’ a Thoughtcrime

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) According to the embargoed version of Thursday’s State of the Union address which journalists previewed, President Joe Biden planned to stay silent about the late Laken Riley, the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student who was murdered while she jogged on Feb. 22, allegedly by Venezuelan illegal...

MAHARREY: Is the U.S. Playing With Fire Using the Dollar as a Foreign Policy Weapon?

(Mike Maharrey, Money Metals News Service) The United States has weaponized the dollar, leveraging it to achieve foreign policy objectives. But is the U.S. playing with fire? Is it setting itself up for significant blowback? In this episode of the Money Metals' Midweek Memo, host Mike Maharrey explains how...

Biden Threat to Seize Russian Assets Sends Gold to All-Time Highs

(Mike Maharrey, Money Metals News Service) The United States enjoys the privilege of issuing the world's reserve currency. But it increasingly uses that privilege as a hammer to shape foreign policy. Could Americans end up feeling the blows from that hammer? Economist Jim Rickards, the author of Currency Wars, said he...

MURDOCK: Fani Under Fire for Getting Rump Instead of Trump

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) The fun never sets in the Atlanta courtroom of Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee. That is the red-hot scene of the adults-only reality TV hit called The Real Prosecutors of Fulton County. As the Associated Press observed on Wednesday, a perilous political matter has “taken on a...

MURDOCK: Engoron, James Conspire to Seize Trump’s ‘Castle on a Cloud’

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) As a New Yorker, I wish Democrat Attorney General Letitia James and Gotham Judge Arthur Engoron would treat shoplifters, graffiti vandals, and armed robbers with just a puff of the volcanic rage with which they “get Trump.” Former President Donald J. Trump’s civil-fraud indictment, trial, and $354.9 million penalty are an abortion of...

MURDOCK: Biden Turns Vets into P.O.W.s Under Kafkaesque VA System

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Democrats constantly crow about their faith in “the right to choose.” But this applies to little beyond abortion. Any woman who chooses to buy a gun or send her child to a charter school should expect “pro-choice” Democrats to stand in her way. Democrats crave control and...

SELLERS: How Vladimir Putin Became the REAL Winner on Super Bowl Sunday

(Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Two notable events happened Sunday night that, at first glance, may have seemed unrelated to the casual observer.  Yet, both proved that, for all its virtue-signaling about safeguarding democracy against Russian President Vladimir Putin, the woke Left is playing right into the ex-KGB spymaster's hands in...

MAHARREY: Federal Gov’t Runs Another Deficit, Despite Record Revenue

(Mike Maharrey, Money Metals News Service) The federal government's budget deficit was “only” $21.93 billion in January. That was a significant improvement over the $129 billion shortfall recorded in December. But don’t throw the confetti. The smaller deficit was primarily due to increased government receipts thanks to a big drop in...

MURDOCK: Dems’ Flirtation w/ Illegals Turns into Heavy Petting via Open Borders

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) They’re just not that into you. Today’s Democrats treat the American people like a spouse who has grown routine,  sometimes ungrateful, and decreasingly alluring. And they cannot forgive America for running off for four years with that damned contractor. But Democrats swoon over the 8.8 million illegal aliens whom they have helped...

MURDOCK: Americans Unite in Outrage over Biden’s Open Borders

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Police say that at least 12 illegal aliens pummeled two NYPD cops outside a taxpayer-funded shelter in Times Square on Jan. 27. Among five arrested, four were released without bail, three hours later. Unrepentant, Jhoan Boada, 22, waved his middle fingers as he left court. The New York Post reports...

MURDOCK: At Three-Year Mark, Trump Tops Biden in Most Every Metric

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Are you better off than you were four years ago? Every voter should ask this while choosing America’s next president. This oft-stated question is fairer to pose three years into Joe Biden’s presidency.  Evaluating America now versus January 2020, on President Donald J. Trump’s watch, allows...
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