Saturday, September 28, 2024


MURDOCK: Dems’ Disinfo Ministry a Case-Study in Projection

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) President Joe Biden's bad-idea factory just belched out a doozy: The Disinformation Governance Board rolled off the assembly line to the sound of shrieks and Klaxons---and deservedly so. The last thing American citizens need is a taxpayer-funded thought-police bureau that monitors public utterances, condemns them as...

MURDOCK: D’Souza’s ‘2,000 Mules’ Offers Hard Proof of 2020’s Stolen Election

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Like an incantation at high mass, Democrats chant their claim that vote fraud does not exist. "Vote fraud is almost incalculably rare in the United States," according to gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams of Georgia. "And make no mistake," Chuck Schumer of New York declared on the Senate floor....

COMMENT: Musk’s Twitter Buyout No Substitute for Repeal of Big Tech’s Legal Loopholes

(John McCann, Headline USA) Conservatives are rightfully giddy about Elon Musk's takeover of Twitter. Musk has been a longtime advocate for free speech, and his zeal to provide a transparent and open platform will do wonders for national discourse, especially with the 2022 midterms closing fast. However, conservatives must not...

MURDOCK: Groomer Agenda Proves To Be Poison Apple in Disney’s Fla. Fairytale

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Florida lawmakers voted to end the Walt Disney Company’s special, self-government privileges, which it never should have received. Since 1967, Disney has operated its own mini-state, surrounded by Florida---much as the Vatican is encircled by Rome. The Reedy Creek Improvement District exempts Disney from certain taxes and...

SELLERS: A**holes, Racists & Groomers—Oh My! The Left Lays New Semantic Trap

Note: Article contains mild profanity. (Ben Sellers, Headline USA) Is it just me, or does it sometimes feel like the entire universe revolves around me? Here's hoping other folks can relate---if not to me being the center of the universe, then at least a similar sensation of cosmic coincidence within their...

MURDOCK: Woke FBI Ignores Growing Scourge of Black Supremacists

Editor's note: Article contains profanity. (Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Top Democrats claim that nothing in America is more dangerous than white racism. As President Joe Biden said last Oct. 21, “According to the United States intelligence community, domestic terrorism from white supremacists is the most lethal terrorist threat in the homeland.” “In...

MURDOCK: Biden Launches Stealth Attack in War Against Charter Schools

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) Just as I predicted in August 2020, Joe Biden has declared War on School Choice. When he ran for president, Biden told voters in Georgetown, SC, that Feb. 26: “I am not a charter school fan because it takes away the options available and money...

MURDOCK: Left’s Entire Agenda Fulfilled by Eliminating Objective Reality

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) “Identifying” as someone who one is not has become all the rage. If you think you’re somebody you’re not, the whole world is expected to nod its heads, if not stand up and cheer. This is especially true for gender identity, as William “Lia” Thomas has demonstrated...
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