Saturday, September 7, 2024

Bitter Old Man Grumbles Grievances while Bumbling Across Europe

'This is appalling... '

(John McCannHeadline USA) President Joe Biden took time from bumbling around in a lost daze while touring Europe to voice his frustrations with the American political system, in a tirade against Congress and the Supreme Court, two institutions that have acted as a check against the president’s agenda.

While talking to the press in Spain, Biden scolded the Supreme Court for its recent rulings, most notably on gun rights and Roe v. Wade, decisions that the president described as “outrageous behavior.”

According to Breitbart News, Biden rebuked the Court, stating that its abortion ruling was “destabilizing” the global order. The aged chief executive argued that, “We’ve been a leader in the world in terms of personal rights and privacy rights and it is a mistake in my view for the Supreme Court to do what it did.”

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, blasted Biden for trash-talking America while touring Europe.

“This is appalling,” Lee told CNS News.

“First of all, the fact that he would go, while on foreign soil, and attack the Supreme Court of the United States to undermine it and to de-legitimize it is unpatriotic,” Lee said. “I’ve never seen anything quite like it.”

Biden’s grievance tour also included boasts about his own power, claiming that he was integral to the European response against the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He also noted that he was somehow the “best messenger” on the issue of abortion.

Biden also criticized the Senate for what he believes are failures, which he intended to correct by flipping his previous position on filibusters. He advocated for an end to the Senate filibuster so Democrats could codify the right to abortion into federal law. The filibuster has provided the minority party the ability to block legislation, acting as a check against any rogue majority.

Biden explained that, “if the filibuster gets in the way, it’s like voting rights. We provide an exception.”

The destruction of the filibuster would completely change the character of the Senate as a deliberating body. Without it, a simple majority could pass sweeping legislation without any input from the minority. At least that’s what Biden has argued, until it got in his way.

The filibuster has already been eroded in the recent past. Former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., broke the filibuster rules when it came to confirming judicial nominations. This course of action has ultimately backfired on Democrats, allowing President Trump to confirm a conservative majority on the current Court.

Biden’s verbal attacks against the checks and balances of American government come at a time of setbacks for his administration. With an economy hurtling towards recession, and his agenda stonewalled failing on all fronts, the befuddled globetrotter hasn’t had much to write home about.

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