Saturday, June 15, 2024

Biden Torched After Taking Credit for Trump-Launched ‘Quad’ Alliance


(Luis CornelioHeadline USA) President Joe Biden, who has publicly expressed deep animosity toward former President Donald Trump’s foreign policy, has now taken credit for establishing the Quad, a group first launched by the Trump administration in 2020. 

“Look at the meeting we had here today and yesterday with, of the Quad,” Biden claimed during a Sunday speech at the G-7 Summit in Japan.  

“I doubt many people in this audience would have said that two years after being elected, I’d be able to convince India, Australia, Japan, and the United States to form an organization called the Quad to maintain stability in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea,” he falsely touted.

The Quad, an informal group that brings together the countries, had laid dormant for several years but it was re-established by Trump in 2017, as reported by The Washington Post on May 17. 

Despite the clear historical record and foreign policy awareness, Biden boldly claimed responsibility for the Quad during the G-7 Summit, which was captured by the Republican National Committee’s research team on Twitter. 

Biden’s blatant lie was slammed by several conservative personalities on Twitter. 

“Ummmm… Correction: Trump established the ‘Quad’ in 2017… Not Joe Biden,” said radio and TV host Grant Stinchfield on Sunday. 

Echoing Stinchfield’s remarks, Townhall Managing Editor Spencer Brown torched Biden’s lies in a Sunday article, saying: “Why does President Biden seem to think the Quad was recently created by him? Does he not realize the Quad was created more than 15 years ago? And restarted in 2017?

Historian and conservative commentator Daniel F. Baranowski called Biden “AN INTERNATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT” on a fired-up tweet Sunday. 

Biden is expected to return to the U.S. on Sunday and will continue debt ceiling negotiations with House Republicans.

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