Monday, October 14, 2024

New Anti-Trump Movie Flops

'It’s a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job, put out right before the 2024 Presidential Election, to try and hurt the Greatest Political Movement in the History of our Country...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Nobody wants to see Hollywood propaganda about Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump anymore, which resulted in the recent anti-Trump movie, The Apprentice, flopping and playing to empty movie theaters.

Breitbart News reported that the movie failed to attract viewers during the opening weekend, grossing only around $1.5 million. This is a colossal failure, according to the news source, considering that the movie is about one of the most controversial people on this planet and that the Hollywood elite and mainstream media promoted it.

Hollywood in Toto reported that, despite Hollywood praising The Apprentice and leftists at May’s Cannes Film Festival applauding the movie for eight minutes, none of the major studios and streaming platforms agreed to finance or distribute the film.

Christian Toto also noted that well-known and respected directors Clint Eastwood and Paul Thomas Anderson refused to be anywhere near the movie.

It is possible that the reason why Americans didn’t want to go and see the movie was because it was previously discovered that the movie creators included a scene where Trump raped his first wife, Ivana.

Gabe Sherman, the movie’s screenwriter, even talked to Breitbart News, trying to portray Trump in a more positive light to the conservative audience, but it didn’t work.

As expected, Trump criticized the newly released movie.

“A FAKE and CLASSLESS Movie written about me, called The Apprentice (Do they even have the right to use that name without approval?), will hopefully ‘bomb,'” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

He rightly pointed out that the movie was nothing more than an attack on him right before the 2024 election.

“It’s a cheap, defamatory, and politically disgusting hatchet job, put out right before the 2024 Presidential Election, to try and hurt the Greatest Political Movement in the History of our Country, ‘MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!'” he added.

Trump then clarified that, despite the accusations from leftists in Hollywood, he had a great relationship with his first wife, Ivana, up until she passed away.

“The writer of this pile of garbage, Gabe Sherman, a lowlife and talentless hack who has long been widely discredited, knew that but chose to ignore it. So sad that HUMAN SCUM, like the people involved in this hopefully unsuccessful enterprise, are allowed to say and do whatever they want in order to hurt a Political Movement which is far bigger than any of us,” Trump wrote.

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