Saturday, October 26, 2024

MURDOCK: When It Comes to Failure, Kamala Has a 100% Dependability Rating

'I’m asking the vice president to lead this effort because I know it will get done...'

(Deroy Murdock, Headline USA) For Kamala Harris, failure is not an option. It’s a governing principle.

President Joe Biden has delegated key responsibilities to his Veep. Her resulting belly flops could empty an Olympic swimming pool.

Border Tsarina:

“I’ve asked her—the VP—to lead our diplomatic effort and work with those nations to … enhance migration enforcement at their borders,” Biden said in March 2021. “I hope we can move this along.”

Defying Biden’s urgency, Kamala avoided the U.S.–Mexico frontier until that June 25, three months after being crowned Border Tsarina. She made her second, box-checking border journey last Sept. 27.

Across those 39 months, America’s southern boundary vanished:

Southwest Border Incursions
Southwest Border Incursions / Source: U.S. Customs and Border Protection via Deroy Murdock
  • Since February 2021, the first 42 months of Kamala’s rule saw illegal-alien incursions there soar from 2,450,167 under Donald J. Trump’s like period to 8,326,109—up 339.8%.
  • Add 1,664,203 detected-but-uncaught “known gotaways” from Fiscal Year 2021 through FY 2023, and Kamala’s illegals rise to at least 9,990,312.
  • Under Trump, 11 illegals on the terrorist-watch list were nabbed at the border. Kamala’s tenure includes 382 such illegals—up an explosive 3,472%.
  • Tsarina Kamala lost 323,000 unaccompanied minors. Monsters, quite literally, are exploiting thousands of them as sweatshop slaves. Even worse, boys and girls are raped routinely as sex slaves.
  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimated that from FY 2021 through FY 2023, fentanyl (usually smuggled across Kamala’s obliterated “border”) fatally poisoned 222,166 people, including those who thought they had consumed legitimate drugs.
  • Maria GonzalezJocelyn Nungaray, and Rachel Morin are just three among many murdered by illegals, police say. On Oct. 13, former President Bill Clinton told Georgia voters about nursing student Laken Riley, “a young woman who had been killed by an immigrant,” allegedly José Ibarra, a Venezuelan who broke into America in September 2022. “If they’d all been properly vetted, that probably wouldn’t have happened.”
  • The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimated in March 2023 that coddling illegal aliens costs local, state, and federal taxpayers $150.7 billion annually.
Broadband Tsarina

During an April 28, 2021, joint session of Congress, Biden unveiled a rural-broadband initiative. “I’m asking the vice president to lead this effort,” Biden said, “because I know it will get done.”

No such luck.

“It appears that your performance as ‘broadband czar’ has mirrored your performance as ‘border czar,’” nine senators wrote Kamala, including Tennessee’s Marsha Blackburn, Texas’s Ted Cruz, and Nebraska’s Deb Fischer. Their Sept. 18 letter continued: “Under your leadership, not a single person has been connected to the internet using the $42.45 billion allocated for the BEAD program.”

That’s right: Despite Biden’s Nov. 15, 2021, signature, not one American has been hooked up via the Broadband, Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) plan, even after 34 months and more than $42 billion in taxpayer dollars.

As the senators explained, “burdensome climate change mandates,” have stymied progress. So have a nine-step review process and a requirement that participating employers give preference to “individuals with past criminal records.” Consequently, Politico reports, “No actual construction projects are expected to begin until at least 2025.”

Bridge-building Tsarina

Biden sent Kamala to the February 2022 Munich Security Conference. Goal: Project sufficient U.S. and allied strength to deter Russia from attacking Ukraine. The Bridge-building Tsarina said at the Hotel Bayerischer Hof: “National borders should not be changed by force.”

Five days later, Russia invaded Ukraine.

Bus Tsarina

Kamala and the EPA have pushed the Clean School Bus program since September 2022. As Thomas Catenacci reported in July 19’s Washington Free Beacon, this boondoggle deployed $965 million to ship 2,463 electric school buses (ESBs) to 389 school districts. Two years later, just 60 green buses serve only 27 districts; 55 districts have fled the program.

The House Energy and Commerce Committee reported last month that diesel-fueled school buses typically cost $100,000. ESBs average $381,190. This nearly 400% higher expense, limited driving range, and poor cold-weather performance have flattened the tires on Kamala’s fantasy vehicles.

Beyond dispute, Kamala Harris is the Tsarina of Failure.

Deroy Murdock is a Manhattan-based Fox News Contributor.

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