Friday, October 25, 2024

WaPo Won’t Endorse Kamala as NY Post Endorses Trump

'We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates...'

(Dmytro “Henry” Aleksandrov, Headline USA) Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris is so unpopular that even far-left the Washington Post decided not to endorse her.

The Post recently published an opinion piece in which the newspaper’s publisher and chief executive officer, William Lewis, explained that this year, the Post will not endorse any political candidate, including Harris.

“We are returning to our roots of not endorsing presidential candidates,” he wrote. “Our job at the Washington Post is to provide … nonpartisan news for all Americans, and thought-provoking, reported views from our opinion team to help our readers make up their own minds.”

As Unfiltered, Unbiased, Verified host Mario Nawfall pointed out, the recent news is “massive” because the Post has endorsed only three Republicans since 1928. The only prominent Republican whom the publication endorsed was former President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

On the other hand, the Post endorsed many well-known Democrats, including former Presidents Franklin Delano Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton (twice), Barack Obama (twice), and Joe Biden.

The Post endorsed other Democrats, such as former presidential candidates Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton.

NPR reported that leftists at the Post became very angry after they realized that the newspaper’s leadership decided not to endorse a far-left presidential candidate like Harris.

Editor-at-large Robert Kagan, who has Trump Derangement Syndrome, told NPR that he left his job to protest the decision.

The Post’s former Executive Editor, Martin Baron, also criticized the newspaper for not being anti-Trump while talking to NPR.

Leftist opinion writers at the Post were also furious when they heard about the decision.

The Washington Post Guild also told the entire country that it was furious that the Post decided not to promote Harris.

“We are already seeing cancellations from once loyal readers,” the guild wrote.

The guild was right. Trump-hating Democrats started canceling their subscriptions.

Conservatives on Twitter also responded to the recent news, except unlike leftists, they were happy about the recent decision.

On the other hand, the New York Post decided to endorse Trump because he is “the only candidate” who can lead the country right now.

“I love the New York Post. Great election coverage. Thanks for the wonderful endorsement!” Trump wrote on Truth Social.

The recent news came after the Los Angeles Times stated it wouldn’t endorse Harris because it would be impossible to show her in a positive light. This resulted in one of the editors there quitting and many other leftists canceling their subscriptions to the newspaper.

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